Libtard "Post-Debate Blues"


Here, I simply wanted to highlight a couple of posts that the Dumb Dog (Port Tack) has made recently. As of this post, he is currently in 1st AND 2nd place in "the monthly standings", a remarkable feat! Anyway, he so brilliantly highlights both the pre-debate mood of libtards AND the current post-debate mood of libtards. First, I will list them both, one after the other, and then I will comment on each of them. Here are the Dumb Dog's posts:

PRE-DEBATE --- "Trump is a chickenshit that knows Harris will cut his lies to shreds unlike Biden who just stood there looking puzzled that someone could blatantly lie so much and get away with it. Trump will back out, he has no reason to risk being made an ass out of by a prosecutor experienced in cutting dumbshits to pieces." [PORT TACK]

POST-DEBATE --- "Your chikenshit won't debate her again. [PORT TACK]

First, let's examine the pre-debate post of his. As you can see, the Dumb Dog was smack talking, talking a big game about how Trump knows that Kamala was going to "cut his lies to shreds", that Trump would be too scared and "back out" of the debate, :blah: ...

Then, the debate came and went. Immediately after the debate concluded, the state-controlled media manipulators all loudly and simultaneously proclaimed how Kamala won because "SHE BAITED HIM!!!! OMGGGGG SHE BAITED HIM!!!!!" and that Trump was "angry" and "ranting and raving", claiming "without evidence" that dogs and cats were being eaten by the illegals, and :blah: .... However, even though Kamala is said to have "HANDS DOWN WON" the debate, just a couple of short days afterward, she was already calling for a "rematch" with Trump. If she did soooooo well and completely CRUSHED Trump, and is now "surging" in the polls, now handily ahead of Trump, why would she immediately call for a "rematch", as the LOSER of the event would do.

Winners are simply happy to have won, however LOSERS sulk and pout and whine and make excuses while immediately calling for a REMATCH. This mood is precisely where the Dumb Dog is at right now, pretending that Trump is somehow a "chikenshit" (as he spells it) for refusing to accept a REMATCH after he got done spanking her on national television.

For all of those who have already forgotten, which included the Dumb Dog, Trump initially offered to do THREE debates with the Chameleon, but the Chameleon refused two of them, only agreeing to the one singular debate. She already had her chance to do THREE debates, but turned down the opportunity in favor of one singular debate. She then blew her one and only opportunity, losing the debate, so now she is pouting like a sore loser and throwing a hissy fit, calling for a REMATCH.

You LOST, Kamala..... GET OVER IT!!!! You COULD'VE had a "best of three", but noooooo, YOU wanted it to be a "winner take all".... Too bad for you, Trump came out of Tuesday's debate as the clear winner.

Go directly to your hidden basement bunker... Do NOT pass go. Do NOT collect a "rematch".
I forgot that liberals can't handle anything longer than a sentence or two...

TLDR: Since when has the "clear winner" (supposedly Kamala) of anything ever immediately demanded a REMATCH?
... and the fact that those people try to pretend that "Kamala won" even though she's the one who is currently doing what only SORE LOSERS do.... immediately demanding a REMATCH.