Lies About A Single Topic Evolved Into A Compendium Of Lies


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I counted the headlines on a bunch of social media websites. Consider the stories I listed as one topic and you will see that it outnumbers all of the other stories by 95 to 1. The number jumps to 99 to 1 if you include show biz stories.

Every story advocates the Democrat Party’s desired result:

1. Biden.

2. Afghanistan.

3. Immigration.

4. Gun controls.

5. Tax dollar abortions.

6. Masks.

7. Vaccines.

8. Vaccination.

9. COVID-19.

Every story in the composite is a tissue of lies. (Conservative storytellers unintentionally lie by omission or out of sheer ignorance.)

I seldom read more than a headline. This one caught my attention because the lies in this story cannot top the headline:

Florida is the only state where more people are dying of COVID now than ever before. What went wrong?
Yahoo News
Andrew Romano
August 25, 2021, 5:00 AM

Basically, newspapers always slanted their liberal or conservative political views. A compendium of lies goes far beyond standard media bias.

I do not know if Big Tech conspired with traditional media boardrooms in order to implement a composite of lies, or if the concept was first created in the Democrat Party’s fertile brains? No matter. The same political agenda being promoted on every political topic on every information platform had to be a conspiracy to make the lies stick.
When newsrooms are comprised of 90% + persons who lean Democrat, are Democrat, and are also Leftist to one degree or another the slant of the news they produce is going to reflect that. How can it not? There is no objectivity in a group if the group all thinks the same way.
Then you have to consider that many of these outlets simply copy and paste their stories from each other. So, you get one original article and then it gets cited by dozens of other outlets without question and still more rewrite it with essentially the same information putting this up as a new original story. It's like they copy each other's homework.

It's not new. This has been increasing for decades. It's why the public has little faith in the MSM today.
Because you counted the number of headlines?

To AProudLefty: Asshole. I read those stories that parasites dare not read.

6. Masks.

7. Vaccines.

8. Vaccination.

9. COVID-19.

These two are for fellow conservatives:

"Thus, it is as scandalous as it is unnecessary to vaccinate those with prior infection, even if one supports vaccination for those without prior immunity," Horowitz wrote.

FIFTEEN studies show natural immunity better than vaccines
Art Moore By Art Moore
Published August 25, 2021 at 6:11pm


Forget the science for a minute. Concentrate on the money:

"It's absolutely not available," Malone explained. "The little trick that they've done here is that they've issued two letters, separate letters for two separate vaccines. The Pfizer vaccine which is what is currently available, is still under emergency use authorization, and it still has the liability shield."

He said, "The product that's licensed is the BioNTech product which is substantially similar but not necessarily identical. It's called Comirnaty … and it's not yet available. They haven't started manufacturing it or labeling it and that's the one that the liability waiver will no longer apply."

He said. "So the one that's actually licensed is not yet available and when it does become available it will no longer have the liability shield."

Stunner! Expert says 'FDA-approved' Pfizer shot is NOT what people have been getting
Claims feds are playing 'little trick' between 'two separate vaccines'
By Bob Unruh
Published August 25, 2021 at 1:25pm

Anybody who sues parasite scum runs the risk of losing their head —— literally:

During the Reign of Terror, the French government sent Lavoisier to the guillotine because of his connections to the old aristocratic regime. That is one of history's great crimes against science -- but it probably did less damage than our government has caused by killing climatology with the false kindness of politically motivated research funding.

April 12, 2007
Is Climatology a Science?
By Robert Tracinski

I suspect that Lavoisier incurred the wrath of phlogiston’s true believers, just as today’s COVID-19 parasite priesthood would behead all who speak out against a non-existent pandemic.

The way it stands now there is zero chance that coronavirus parasites will be driven away from the public feed tub anytime soon. Worse still, Congress’ alliance with the U.N. was an invitation to foreign parasites to join their American counterparts at the tax tub.
I counted the headlines on a bunch of social media websites. Consider the stories I listed as one topic and you will see that it outnumbers all of the other stories by 95 to 1. The number jumps to 99 to 1 if you include show biz stories.

Every story advocates the Democrat Party’s desired result:

1. Biden.

2. Afghanistan.

3. Immigration.

4. Gun controls.

5. Tax dollar abortions.

6. Masks.

7. Vaccines.

8. Vaccination.

9. COVID-19.

Every story in the composite is a tissue of lies. (Conservative storytellers unintentionally lie by omission or out of sheer ignorance.)

I seldom read more than a headline. This one caught my attention because the lies in this story cannot top the headline:

Florida is the only state where more people are dying of COVID now than ever before. What went wrong?
Yahoo News
Andrew Romano
August 25, 2021, 5:00 AM

Basically, newspapers always slanted their liberal or conservative political views. A compendium of lies goes far beyond standard media bias.

I do not know if Big Tech conspired with traditional media boardrooms in order to implement a composite of lies, or if the concept was first created in the Democrat Party’s fertile brains? No matter. The same political agenda being promoted on every political topic on every information platform had to be a conspiracy to make the lies stick.

American huge pile of shit.

When you had questions and needed something done. I sent you to one of my colleagues.

To ParachuteAdams: Israel is the most vaccinated country in the world. I guess that is why the lying thief sent vaccines to:

Fanatics: Palestinians Reject COVID Vaccines from Israel
Guy Benson
Posted: Jun 21, 2021 10:30 AM

So how come OBAMA/BIDEN did not send the vaccines directly to the Palestinians?
When you are the party of take horse worm meds because you can’t trust the entire world of medicine

All facts seem like Democratic Party memes

Facts are not on your side assholes


Because you murder them on sight
Keep him there. We know who he is. You won!

Our drivers require a CDL. For this truck a CDL isn’t necessary.
He’s under paid and miserable. Well what did he do? Two four
point violations in under 5 minutes.

That’s his helper in the truck? Back it up Charlie, chuck the wheels Charlie.
Put the E brake on Charlie. Oh Dios Mio.

This is what I saw.
Why don’t you go F your mother. ;)
Truth does not stand a chance in the government’s media. So I think I came up with a way to defeat COVID-19 liars on social media.

It seems that the homeliest tubbiest ladies are all in favor of forced vaccinations, while the most voluptuous, gorgeous gals know a lie when they hear it:

The model — who’s been vocal about her pro-choice stance about vaccines against COVID-19— shared a series of angry tweets on Tuesday in response to a number of Bills players being separated from the team after coming in close contact with a fully-vaccinated trainer who tested positive for COVID-19.

Rachel Bush rails against NFL vaccine policy as Bills’ Cole Beasley lands on COVID-19 list
By Jenna Lemoncelli
August 26, 2021 9:15am

The best way to combat COVID-19 liars is always post a beautiful woman next to a bow-wow.
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