Life Has Become What People Say It Should Have Been.


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I have existed 71 planetary revolutions around the star experience at adapting to the moment here where every social order demands I ignore my time existing in specific series parallel space as rule of law commands I adopt a social narrative or society takes back all I did compromising with chain of command deniers and their minions. I figured out humanity is a complete scam in 1982. 2005 events pissed me off enough to debunk every reality present without harming an ancestor occupying space forward since July 2006.

Learn how living doesn't exceed the time your ancestral position gets adapting in the moment here.

Intellect is just static energy working synapses working body control to be a separate lifetime occupying space now, Your brain was the nucleus of your fertilized cell at conception and the organ of your central nervous system by birth. Every lifetime capable of navigating space is eternally separated the same way.

Corruption won't go away until every ancestor reclaims their time limited to equally biologically here. Power of suggestion doesn't deliver tomorrow when genetics is only eternally separating reproductions currently alive.