Life is good


Worst gambler ever
Since I was just a boy, I always knew that I didn't like, nor belong in LA. I grew up there, made many friends, went to high school, flunked out of 3 colleges and ended up peddling hot tubs to country folk. A true, one of a kind, American success story. But as content as I was, earning a cool $1,700 a month, driving my '77 Datsun 280Z (Straight 6), picking quarters out of the couch to buy my weekly handle of 10 High, with my hot latina girlfriend who though doing it 11 times a day was weak, I still didn't like LA, and I knew I needed to be elsewhere.

A job opportunity, a real promotion came up in Denver in late 2003. Incidentally, two days before moving there, I discovered, and proceeded to bombard the place with urges to every member to vote Libertarian. So, I was promoted to hot tub salesman in Denver. Okay, it wasn't really a promotion, it was just another job, but it was out of LA, so I considered it a promotion. But now, I was picking up a cool $2,000 a month, and my hot, now mulatto girlfriend who though sex twice a month was waaay too much was moving out to join me, get married, have a couple of kids and pick out that picket fence we'd always dreamed of. So in early december of '03, the moving truck comes, she moves all her shit into my Madison Park apartment that I couldn't even afford and proceeds to do an whole lot, a tremendous amount of sitting around, wathing "Days" and withholding sex. So one day, I get home from work, and see an ecard on there from her to Steve Bender that reveals to me, that perhaps the sex withholding was due to the fact that the fountain had sprung somewhere else. So, in a proactive moment, I turned to the 10 High, and gained enough clarity to throw her out. 3 weeks after hurricane Jocelyn moved into my apartment, hurricane Jocelyn moved out. I lived a great time in Denver for the next 10 months, even one time enjoying some beer with our friend Damocles at the Friday's on 120th, and generally recovering from the destruction of Hurricane Jocelyn.

Then the store closed and I got another promotion to Seattle, this time to peddle hot tubs at the Evergreen State and Puyallup fairs. It was commission only, but that was okay, because country carival goers have more dough than you might think. I made $8400 that month, and got adraw gig at a store. I stayed in Seattle, loving it for another year, and then did the carnival thing again in September of '05. I made $21,000 that month and I spent it like Larry Ellison in an ego shop. For some reason, I still don't know why, I moved back to LA.

2 years I spent in LA, still searching for myself, still enjoying the weekly handle. Still spending each September peddling hot tubs in Seattle, making a lot of whip, taking the winters off. January 11th of 2007, I was on vacation in Hawaii, and I went on a jungle hike, on that hike, I found it, whatever "it" was, but I knew I found it. I decided that I must live in Hawaii.

September of '07, I spent in Seattle at the fairs again, earned $15,000, and on October 17th of 2007, I landed in Hawaii with my suitcase, my guitar, 2 harmonicas and a pair of sandals that I now know are unacceptable on this island.

I've been here ever since, and I will likely never leave. It has been the best 18 months of my life, and I now can be a big ass wind bag about telling people to folow their dreams even if it doesn't make sense to the rest of the world.

Side notes: In April of 2005, got clotheslined by Then the site host grew the largest ego ever and revealed private messages of users, then my man Damo started this site and we are all here now.

That is all.
Since I was just a boy, I always knew that I didn't like, nor belong in LA. I grew up there, made many friends, went to high school, flunked out of 3 colleges and ended up peddling hot tubs to country folk. A true, one of a kind, American success story. But as content as I was, earning a cool $1,700 a month, driving my '77 Datsun 280Z (Straight 6), picking quarters out of the couch to buy my weekly handle of 10 High, with my hot latina girlfriend who though doing it 11 times a day was weak, I still didn't like LA, and I knew I needed to be elsewhere.

A job opportunity, a real promotion came up in Denver in late 2003. Incidentally, two days before moving there, I discovered, and proceeded to bombard the place with urges to every member to vote Libertarian. So, I was promoted to hot tub salesman in Denver. Okay, it wasn't really a promotion, it was just another job, but it was out of LA, so I considered it a promotion. But now, I was picking up a cool $2,000 a month, and my hot, now mulatto girlfriend who though sex twice a month was waaay too much was moving out to join me, get married, have a couple of kids and pick out that picket fence we'd always dreamed of. So in early december of '03, the moving truck comes, she moves all her shit into my Madison Park apartment that I couldn't even afford and proceeds to do an whole lot, a tremendous amount of sitting around, wathing "Days" and withholding sex. So one day, I get home from work, and see an ecard on there from her to Steve Bender that reveals to me, that perhaps the sex withholding was due to the fact that the fountain had sprung somewhere else. So, in a proactive moment, I turned to the 10 High, and gained enough clarity to throw her out. 3 weeks after hurricane Jocelyn moved into my apartment, hurricane Jocelyn moved out. I lived a great time in Denver for the next 10 months, even one time enjoying some beer with our friend Damocles at the Friday's on 120th, and generally recovering from the destruction of Hurricane Jocelyn.

Then the store closed and I got another promotion to Seattle, this time to peddle hot tubs at the Evergreen State and Puyallup fairs. It was commission only, but that was okay, because country carival goers have more dough than you might think. I made $8400 that month, and got adraw gig at a store. I stayed in Seattle, loving it for another year, and then did the carnival thing again in September of '05. I made $21,000 that month and I spent it like Larry Ellison in an ego shop. For some reason, I still don't know why, I moved back to LA.

2 years I spent in LA, still searching for myself, still enjoying the weekly handle. Still spending each September peddling hot tubs in Seattle, making a lot of whip, taking the winters off. January 11th of 2007, I was on vacation in Hawaii, and I went on a jungle hike, on that hike, I found it, whatever "it" was, but I knew I found it. I decided that I must live in Hawaii.

September of '07, I spent in Seattle at the fairs again, earned $15,000, and on October 17th of 2007, I landed in Hawaii with my suitcase, my guitar, 2 harmonicas and a pair of sandals that I now know are unacceptable on this island.

I've been here ever since, and I will likely never leave. It has been the best 18 months of my life, and I now can be a big ass wind bag about telling people to folow their dreams even if it doesn't make sense to the rest of the world.

Side notes: In April of 2005, got clotheslined by Then the site host grew the largest ego ever and revealed private messages of users, then my man Damo started this site and we are all here now.

That is all.

Good post, Beefy. Glad you made it to where you are happy. And yes, life is very good.
"and a pair of sandals that I now know are unacceptable on this island."

whats wrong with your sandals?
"and a pair of sandals that I now know are unacceptable on this island."

whats wrong with your sandals?

No resident here would ever, ever wear these:


It's thongs only out here. In fact, that's one sure fire way to spot a tourist.