Life is like that

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
bought a fire pit, half cord o'wood had great fires last two freakin rained llamas and zebras today and of course i haven't purchased a cover for either the wood or fire pit

bought a fire pit, half cord o'wood had great fires last two freakin rained llamas and zebras today and of course i haven't purchased a cover for either the wood or fire pit

You'd be better off buying a wood splitter than a cord of wood.
i would still have to buy wood...and i have no desire or time to split a half cord...for a hundred bucks of oak and pine...i'll have some else do it and deliver it :clink:
Dude, pine is $100? That's fucking expensive as hell.
I have never had to buy wood.

I have moved back to my Cali house and now have a wood burning fireplace again.

The town I live in is legendary for its huge old trees.

I have always been able to use the trimings of my own trees as well as collecting wood from others who are trimming trees.

Its free heat and a free workout.
I have never had to buy wood.

I have moved back to my Cali house and now have a wood burning fireplace again.

The town I live in is legendary for its huge old trees.

I have always been able to use the trimings of my own trees as well as collecting wood from others who are trimming trees.

Its free heat and a free workout.

they hang people who cut trees down here...seriously, where i live, you have to have permission for cutting down virtually all trees....

glad you have free wood though