Life's silly moments


Shaken, not stirred!
#20: - You know you're getting old when you get offended by some young kid offering you their seat on a crowded bus or train.

- You know you are old when you get offended that no one offers you their seat on a crowded bus or train.


People at age 16: "Why can't I stay out until 11:30?

Same People at age 35: Be home by 10:30 BECAUSE I SAID SO, THAT'S WHY!
#13: - You're getting older when your clothes, taste in music and "slang" language is considered out of date by the 21 to 35 crowd.

- You know you're old when you don't give a shit.
Here is the 2 word phrase that has been uttered by every long term married/unmarried couple around the world throughout history,

Over-heard conversation in a NYC bar, 1998:

Woman - "Hello? My face is up here!"

Man - "I know, but that fantastic cleavage of yours is down there!"
Mr. Owl reports that he knows that he's crossed over to Old Dude. "How's that?" asked I. "Because when you unwrap a new bar of soap in the shower, it's edges are too sharp on your skin."

I have noticed both women and men talking about how they really registered that they were getting older when they became invisible to the opposite sex, they were no longer considered to be desirable.
I have noticed both women and men talking about how they really registered that they were getting older when they became invisible to the opposite sex, they were no longer considered to be desirable.

Older ladies are sexy as Hell!
And have lost inhibitions.
I have noticed both women and men talking about how they really registered that they were getting older when they became invisible to the opposite sex, they were no longer considered to be desirable.

Now let's not get "deep", Hawk....these are just life's silly moments that I noticed over the years. A little cynical, a little sarcastic, but ya gotta admit funny.
I wear a hat that has 'Marine Veteran' stitched on it so I don't have all my hair flying around when I go places where food is served. So one night I go to a restaurant to pick up a to go order for the wife and I and this mid 50s looking couple in a booth a few feet away say 'thank you for your service' to me, to which I reply back a thank you...........then she asked me what year I was in 'Nam................:|

talk about feeling old...........and I was only 51 years old