'Like a family member':Trump rallygoer blubbers while recalling Rush Limbaugh's death

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
An attendee at former President Donald Trump's Save America rally in Warren, Michigan over the weekend broke down into tears recalling the anguish that he felt when right-wing commentator Rush Limbaugh died from lung cancer on February 17th, 2021.

Speaking with a reporter from Real America's Voice, the man said that Trump ally and notorious white nationalist Steve Bannon managed to somewhat fill the void in his heart that was excavated upon Limbaugh's passing.

"Limbaugh was such a pivotal part of patriotism in America," the correspondent said. "When he died, a part of our soul was taken."

Trump's acolyte emotionally agreed.

"Like a family member, yeah," he replied. "Yeah, I listened to Rush for thirty years. I'd go out – hot and cold, stay in my car – people knew where I was and knew I was out listening to Rush. And on my last day of work is the day he died."

He then had to stop himself from crying:
