Li'l Bush


Just a reminder to all you fans ... the new season opener of "Li'l Bush" will show on Comedy Central tonight at 9:30 Eastern, 8:30 Central time.

I watched the premiere of Lewis Black's new show "The Root of All Evil" last night. It definitely had potential but I felt that it was pretty weak. I expected more from Greg Giraldo; didn't know the other comic involved. I'm willing to give the show another chance though, just because I'm a huge fan of the host.
Is little john going to be in there?

You mean from Nottingham Forest? :rolleyes:

In the clip advertising the show, I thought I saw a caricature of Obama. They definitely will have "Li'l Karl Rove" and somebody else in this season, anyway. Li'l Dick Cheney and Li'l Condi Rice will be carried over from last season.
Did you mean the new South Park? Yah, that was more of the same old same old. Li'l Bush hasn't aired yet! :)

No, I was talking about Lil Bush. It's been on for a while, no? Do you mean the new season? I just don't find it funny. It's not the Bush-bashing, because Stewart and Colbert both bushbash constantly and it's funny when they do it.

I liked the new Southpark, but you're right it's more of the same.