Limbaugh plays to Muslim fears on Obama


New member
I can't believe this shite. Whenever something is posted on Limbaugh, it seems like most righties are quick to say "everyone knows the guy is a joke," but doesn't he still have something like 20 million listeners?

Here's Rush having a little fun with Obama's "57 states" comment, and saying how it wasn't a gaffe because there actually are 57 Islamic states, and Obama must have been referring to those. Be prepared to laugh yourselves silly if you've had the prerequisite lobotomy:
I dunno. I can't listen to him because his show is on while I work, and the building I work in is a radio hole. Even cell phones don't work there.
Oh. This is a play on the '57 states' thing...

Man, I thought this was entirely different than what it is.
all those 20 Million will vote for Mcain, was there any doubt.
MSNBC and CNN (the grown up versions of Air America) have more votes.
I listen to Linberger when I am in the car at lunch time or going to a depo or something.
I will most likely be voting for Obama...