APP - Limbaugh Revealed The Permanent Cure To His ED On-Air And Social Media Wants Him Gone

Bill Fishlore

New member
There is little doubt that Rush Limbaugh doesn’t mind offending the liberal media. he escalated things when he revealed on-air earlier this week the secret to how he cured his Erectile Dysfunction. Rush Limbaugh said his discovery came during the 2016 Election. While on the campaign trail he began to hear whispers about how great Mr. Trump is in bed. His wife heard about this too, how he bangs Melania for hours and hours, and she to him and asked “why can’t we have that?”

“So I did my research, and spoke to his confidants.” Limbaugh said on his daily show. “And they pointed me to this product RevBoost. And boy can I tell you, this stuff is potent. I’ve tried Viagra, I’ve tried Red Ginseng, I’ve tried Cialis. RevBoost blows them all away.”
There is little doubt that Rush Limbaugh doesn’t mind offending the liberal media. he escalated things when he revealed on-air earlier this week the secret to how he cured his Erectile Dysfunction. Rush Limbaugh said his discovery came during the 2016 Election. While on the campaign trail he began to hear whispers about how great Mr. Trump is in bed. His wife heard about this too, how he bangs Melania for hours and hours, and she to him and asked “why can’t we have that?”

“So I did my research, and spoke to his confidants.” Limbaugh said on his daily show. “And they pointed me to this product RevBoost. And boy can I tell you, this stuff is potent. I’ve tried Viagra, I’ve tried Red Ginseng, I’ve tried Cialis. RevBoost blows them all away.”

we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC where the rights of the few are as great rights of the many.
social media is mostly children running their heads,most of them can not find washington dc on a map,so i guess social media can not handle the facts ,i guess the gummy bear generation just can not take on rush,so they shut him out like good little marxist they are.