APP - Lincoln the unconstitutional President

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I get it, we were taught to lionize Lincoln because he "freed the slaves". I mean how couldn't someone love a guy who "freed the slaves". Now, as leftists will try to do, do not mistake my disdain for Lincoln as support for slavery. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a horrid practice. I believe it would have ended in the United States like it ended in many countries and that is peacefully and without killing 620,000 innocent people

Of course big government types (leftists and Trans Righty's) love Lincoln. I will list for you why I despise him so

First of all Lincoln was a white supremacist who didn't give a wit about the slaves. His purpose for starting the war was all about keeping the tariff revenue from the South which was about 95% of government revenues at the time

Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts

* He started a war without the consent of Congress
* He illegally declared martial law
* He illegally blockaded Southern ports
* He illegally suspended habeas corpus
* He arrested tens of thousands of political opponents
* He orchestrated the secession of West Virginia
* He shut down hundreds of opposition newspapers and imprisoned their editors and owners
* He ignored the Ninth and Tenth Amendments
* He rigged Northern elections
* He introduced the slavery of conscription and income taxation

Anyone who believes in personal freedom, limited government, and the US Constitution should not idolize Lincoln