APP - link the science!


enough of the warmers claiming science! without linking the source of their beliefs. Link your science, Mr. Warmer!
How ironic. You were asked to link to science, this link doesn't have any scientific data, and you berate tinfoil for not being able to comprehend the written language.

Here, I'll repeat this link just for you...

...But in the recent study, the scientists first took each model and tested it individually, calculating 70 different measures of model performance. These “metrics” provided insights into how well the models simulated today's average climate and its seasonal changes, as well as on the size and geographical patterns of climate variability.

This information was used to divide the original 22 models into various sets of “top ten” and “bottom ten” models. “When we tried to come up with a David Letterman type 'top ten' list of models,” Santer said, “we found that it's extremely difficult to do this in practice, because each model has its own individual strengths and weaknesses.”
Then the group repeated their fingerprint analysis, but now using only “top ten” or “bottom ten” models rather than the full 22 models. They did this more than 100 times, grading and ranking the models in many different ways. In every case, a water vapor fingerprint arising from human influences could be clearly identified in the satellite data.

“One criticism of our first study was that we were only able to find a human fingerprint because we included inferior models in our analysis,” said Karl Taylor, another LLNL co-author. “We've now shown that whether we use the best or the worst models, they don't have much impact on our ability to identify a human effect on water vapor.”
Here, I'll repeat this link just for you...

...But in the recent study, the scientists first took each model and tested it individually, calculating 70 different measures of model performance. These “metrics” provided insights into how well the models simulated today's average climate and its seasonal changes, as well as on the size and geographical patterns of climate variability.

This information was used to divide the original 22 models into various sets of “top ten” and “bottom ten” models. “When we tried to come up with a David Letterman type 'top ten' list of models,” Santer said, “we found that it's extremely difficult to do this in practice, because each model has its own individual strengths and weaknesses.”
Then the group repeated their fingerprint analysis, but now using only “top ten” or “bottom ten” models rather than the full 22 models. They did this more than 100 times, grading and ranking the models in many different ways. In every case, a water vapor fingerprint arising from human influences could be clearly identified in the satellite data.

“One criticism of our first study was that we were only able to find a human fingerprint because we included inferior models in our analysis,” said Karl Taylor, another LLNL co-author. “We've now shown that whether we use the best or the worst models, they don't have much impact on our ability to identify a human effect on water vapor.”

That's nice, but I clicked on your first link, which I naturally assumed would have what you said it had, and it didn't, so didn't go any further. Are you now saying that you make a mistake?
Bottom line S&M... your corporate masters won't let you believe in anything that will take profits from their pockets. That's why you refuse to believe in science or scientific evidence.
LOL Great DNC talking points. But isn't your whole "warmer" thing based on sham science?
LOL Great DNC talking points. But isn't your whole "warmer" thing based on sham science?

I give you links from Nat. Geo. (who's work I respect) and you refuse to believe it. You believe what the multinational corporations tell you. But hey, who ya gonna believe Sean Hannity/Limbaugh or your own lying eyes?
I give you links from Nat. Geo. (who's work I respect) and you refuse to believe it. You believe what the multinational corporations tell you. But hey, who ya gonna believe Sean Hannity/Limbaugh or your own lying eyes?
You gave me someone's opinion, not science. Now you give me DNC talking points. You must be so smart. :)
Did Dixie, Meme, Tinfoil, Webbway, and Bravo, Yurt and the crackerjack reporting of PajamasMedia/com/blog discover a global conspiracy of lying, liberal climate scientists?.... A conspiracy that somehow was able to easily dupe the planets most brilliant scientific minds at the National Academies of Sciences of the entire developed world?

We report, you decide…..

Liberal climate scientists engaged in a global conspiracy, manipulated data, lied and fooled the idiots and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and NASA. It’s a fucking fraud people! and the British tabloid “The Telegraph” PROVED liberals were lying about global warming!.....LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Climate change is happening even faster than previously estimated; global CO2 emissions since 2000 have been higher than even the highest predictions, Arctic sea ice has been melting at rates much faster than predicted, and the rise in the sea level has become more rapid. Feedbacks in the climate system might lead to much more rapid climate changes.

The need for urgent action to address climate change is now indisputable. For example, limiting global warming to 2°C would require a very rapid worldwide implementation of all currently available low carbon technologies. The G8+5 should lead the transition to an energy efficient and low carbon world economy, and foster innovation and research and development for both mitigation and adaptation technologies.

May 2009


The U.S. National Academy of Sciences
The National Academy of Sciences, Russia
The National Academy of Sciences, Germany
The Royal Society, United Kingdom
The Royal Society, Canada
The National Academy of Sciences, Japan
The National Academy of Sciences, China
The National Academy of Sciences, Italy
The National Academy of Sciences, France
The National Academy of Sciences, Mexico
The National Academy of Sciences, Brazil
The National Academy of Sciences, South Africa
Did Dixie, Meme, Tinfoil, Webbway, and Bravo, Yurt and the crackerjack reporting of PajamasMedia/com/blog discover a global conspiracy of lying, liberal climate scientists?.... A conspiracy that somehow was able to easily dupe the planets most brilliant scientific minds at the National Academies of Sciences of the entire developed world?

We report, you decide

Lets truly recap once again for the idiots like Cypress...

Does anyone have the heart to tell poor little Cypress about the hi-jacking of science by the global warming fear mongers? Should we point out yet again how they misled the public with their fear mongering? Should we point out yet again how the power grab by the politicians hijacked the science behind the studies? How the suppression of opposing views, the demand that a 'consensus' had been reached and that the 'debate was over', how the data was unassailable.... only to find out....

1) No significant warming for 15 years (from the mouth of one of the leading fear mongers)

2) NO conclusion on whether the medieval warming period was warmer than now due to lack of data.

3) IPCC pushed propaganda and proclaimed it was 'science'... now we find one error after another.

Why? What could be the motivation that the flat earth global warming fear mongers have for doing so? Could it be the power the government agencies would then have over the corporate world and the citizens? Could it be the potential for BILLIONS more in funding that the 'scientists' would get? Nah... that couldn't be it.

Just ask Cypress.... he will STILL tell you it is a settled debate... he will still try to equate those who question the AGW theory with Holocaust denialists... because that makes them sound 'evilzzz'. He will now also try to pretend that only right wing blogs are reporting on the errors or quoting Jones. He will still pretend that there is no doubt. He will still mock the idiots who proclaim that the current east coast snow storms are proof that AGW is wrong, while at the same time ignoring all the idiots that have used severe weather incidents as proof of AGW.

But yeah Cypress.... the liberal side has NEVER hijacked Science. Just keep posting how the government (who again wants to exert more control over the populace) agencies are still 'behind' AGW. Keep pretending that it is just right wing tabloids covering this.... ignore the NY Times and BBC.... because that is what a good little leg humping lemming does.

You're a clown. Try linking the peer reviewed studies which we can actually find the data for.

And no, I didn't bother reading your fluffy links, you moron. Try linking pdf studies, which is the format in which you'd be likely to find a real study.

You obviously haven't spent much time looking at real science if that was the best links you could come up with.

Go buy some carbon crdits and write a folk song about it, douchebag poser
Lets truly recap once again for the idiots like Cypress...

Does anyone have the heart to tell poor little Cypress about the hi-jacking of science by the global warming fear mongers? Should we point out yet again how they misled the public with their fear mongering? Should we point out yet again how the power grab by the politicians hijacked the science behind the studies? How the suppression of opposing views, the demand that a 'consensus' had been reached and that the 'debate was over', how the data was unassailable.... only to find out....

1) No significant warming for 15 years (from the mouth of one of the leading fear mongers)

2) NO conclusion on whether the medieval warming period was warmer than now due to lack of data.

3) IPCC pushed propaganda and proclaimed it was 'science'... now we find one error after another.

Why? What could be the motivation that the flat earth global warming fear mongers have for doing so? Could it be the power the government agencies would then have over the corporate world and the citizens? Could it be the potential for BILLIONS more in funding that the 'scientists' would get? Nah... that couldn't be it.

Just ask Cypress.... he will STILL tell you it is a settled debate... he will still try to equate those who question the AGW theory with Holocaust denialists... because that makes them sound 'evilzzz'. He will now also try to pretend that only right wing blogs are reporting on the errors or quoting Jones. He will still pretend that there is no doubt. He will still mock the idiots who proclaim that the current east coast snow storms are proof that AGW is wrong, while at the same time ignoring all the idiots that have used severe weather incidents as proof of AGW.

But yeah Cypress.... the liberal side has NEVER hijacked Science. Just keep posting how the government (who again wants to exert more control over the populace) agencies are still 'behind' AGW. Keep pretending that it is just right wing tabloids covering this.... ignore the NY Times and BBC.... because that is what a good little leg humping lemming does.

that idiot just refuses to believe he's been lied to. Poor little dumbass
Well, just as I expected, we'd see links to typical appeals to authority without even so much as a link to a study with methods or even a simple abstract.


You warmers don't even know WHERE to find your science