Live Earth - Save the Planet


You lookin' at my pint?
This may come as a big shock to some of you, i know it did me, but, and i promise i'm not just playing a clever trick here, the Earth's climate is changing.

Yes, you heard me correctly.

Now, pick yourselves up off the floor, give yourself a good hard slap across the chops and listen up, fools.

How did i come to find out about this biblical style revelation? It was revealed to me by an angel dubbed 'Al' who descended from my television screen festooned in a shroud of smugness, bearing the the weight of the world on his shoulders like a modern day Atlas.

Apparently, Al has surpassed Jesus Christ himself, who only managed a measly twelve followers, and has recruited over ten score of the most eco-friendly individuals and micro-communities to ever drive across the face of the Earth in a stretch Hummer. Together with the forces of goodness; Coca-Cola, Chevrolet and Microsoft, Al will be spreading this message to the World.

If there is one thing that sears itself into your frontal lobes, make sure it is the words of Japanese singer, Ayaka -

"We can start helping by doing something small. I started to carry my own eco-bag so I don't have to use plastic grocery bags, and use my own chopsticks instead of disposable ones" How many of you climate vandals can say something similar, eh? I didn't think so.

Or alternatively take Joss Stone's advice to “take five minutes to plant a tree”. Joss has a 40 a day tree habit while the rest of you are no better than lumberjacks. Open your eyes, before it's too late.

If every human being on the planet were to open their freezer doors for a 24 hour period then maybe, just maybe, we could cool this planet down and kick-start a new ice age. The sooner we sort out this “climate change” thing, the sooner we will be spared multi-millionaire pop stars berating the poor for having electricity.

Are you with me kids?

You are is always the biggest abusers of limited resources who cry the most! They want em' all to themselves...Gluttony comes to mind!
This may come as a big shock to some of you, i know it did me, but, and i promise i'm not just playing a clever trick here, the Earth's climate is changing.

Yes, you heard me correctly.

Now, pick yourselves up off the floor, give yourself a good hard slap across the chops and listen up, fools.

How did i come to find out about this biblical style revelation? It was revealed to me by an angel dubbed 'Al' who descended from my television screen festooned in a shroud of smugness, bearing the the weight of the world on his shoulders like a modern day Atlas.

Apparently, Al has surpassed Jesus Christ himself, who only managed a measly twelve followers, and has recruited over ten score of the most eco-friendly individuals and micro-communities to ever drive across the face of the Earth in a stretch Hummer. Together with the forces of goodness; Coca-Cola, Chevrolet and Microsoft, Al will be spreading this message to the World.

If there is one thing that sears itself into your frontal lobes, make sure it is the words of Japanese singer, Ayaka -

"We can start helping by doing something small. I started to carry my own eco-bag so I don't have to use plastic grocery bags, and use my own chopsticks instead of disposable ones" How many of you climate vandals can say something similar, eh? I didn't think so.

Or alternatively take Joss Stone's advice to “take five minutes to plant a tree”. Joss has a 40 a day tree habit while the rest of you are no better than lumberjacks. Open your eyes, before it's too late.

If every human being on the planet were to open their freezer doors for a 24 hour period then maybe, just maybe, we could cool this planet down and kick-start a new ice age. The sooner we sort out this “climate change” thing, the sooner we will be spared multi-millionaire pop stars berating the poor for having electricity.

Are you with me kids?

Nicely done, Reverand Charver

This may come as a big shock to some of you, i know it did me, but, and i promise i'm not just playing a clever trick here, the Earth's climate is changing.

Yes, you heard me correctly.

Now, pick yourselves up off the floor, give yourself a good hard slap across the chops and listen up, fools.

How did i come to find out about this biblical style revelation? It was revealed to me by an angel dubbed 'Al' who descended from my television screen festooned in a shroud of smugness, bearing the the weight of the world on his shoulders like a modern day Atlas.

Apparently, Al has surpassed Jesus Christ himself, who only managed a measly twelve followers, and has recruited over ten score of the most eco-friendly individuals and micro-communities to ever drive across the face of the Earth in a stretch Hummer. Together with the forces of goodness; Coca-Cola, Chevrolet and Microsoft, Al will be spreading this message to the World.

If there is one thing that sears itself into your frontal lobes, make sure it is the words of Japanese singer, Ayaka -

"We can start helping by doing something small. I started to carry my own eco-bag so I don't have to use plastic grocery bags, and use my own chopsticks instead of disposable ones" How many of you climate vandals can say something similar, eh? I didn't think so.

Or alternatively take Joss Stone's advice to “take five minutes to plant a tree”. Joss has a 40 a day tree habit while the rest of you are no better than lumberjacks. Open your eyes, before it's too late.

If every human being on the planet were to open their freezer doors for a 24 hour period then maybe, just maybe, we could cool this planet down and kick-start a new ice age. The sooner we sort out this “climate change” thing, the sooner we will be spared multi-millionaire pop stars berating the poor for having electricity.

Are you with me kids?

You are a very talented comedic writer.
The Live Earth thing was comedy gold.

Jonathan Ross interviewing Black Eye Peas, ranting about hummers, one of the BEPs chirps up 'actually I have a hummer'....