Live free, but don't smoke

They did it here. I love it. I just wish they started years ago. Why should people be subjected to carcinogens when they go out in public? I initially felt bad but have since changed my tune.
I am allergic to cigarette smoke but I've seldom been bothered by cigarette smoke if I sit in the non-smoking section.

As for bars I don't visit them and don't see it as my right to demand the proprietor of a business to make the environment the way I like it.
I agree LadyT lets get rid of vehicle exhausts.
Off topic, but I agree, Vehicle exhaust create far more hazard that second Hand cigarettte smoke.

I smoked for 55 years (17 to 72) and quit 5 1/2 years ago. But I don't mind people smoking around me.
You are a good ex smoker then Don.

Most are like, I don't do it so no one can.

Anyone remember the thread I posted about children growing up in high traffic areas having stunted lungs ?

I guess fatty foods are next since obesity is second behind smoking as a preventable cause of death.
But then I have been picking up that obesity is now being called a disease ?
Poor disease victims stuffing their faces :D
Oh, believe me I'm with you on the vehicle exhaust thing as well.

I'm getting so spoiled with cigarette smoke that even why I pass by the smokers outside, when they are too close, I think to myself, "Hmmmm, he's not at regulation distance from the building....what an a-hole".
I am allergic to cigarette smoke but I've seldom been bothered by cigarette smoke if I sit in the non-smoking section.

As for bars I don't visit them and don't see it as my right to demand the proprietor of a business to make the environment the way I like it.

Fair point, but the laws working out quite well for me so I have no issues with it - only kudos.
I don't go to bars either, been many years since I was in one.
I did buy a few bottles of wine in the last couple of years though.
I don't personally have any beef with the no smoking laws as long as they don't infringe on my private property. Now if they try and make ne not smoke on my own property, there will be a fight.
I don't smoke in non smokers faces nor do I smoke the big stinky dog turds like rush does.
they are for status not addiction.
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I don't go to bars either, been many years since I was in one.
I did buy a few bottles of wine in the last couple of years though.
I don't personally have any beef with the no smoking laws as long as they don't infringe on my private property. Now if they try and make ne not smoke on my own property, there will be a fight.
I don't smoke in non smokers faces nor do I smoke the big stinky dog turds like rush does.
they are for status not addiction.

well, I go to bars and I can't tell you how refreshing it is to come home and not smell like an ashtray. An absolute blessing. Thank you liberals.
You are a good ex smoker then Don.

Most are like, I don't do it so no one can.

Anyone remember the thread I posted about children growing up in high traffic areas having stunted lungs ?

I guess fatty foods are next since obesity is second behind smoking as a preventable cause of death.
But then I have been picking up that obesity is now being called a disease ?
Poor disease victims stuffing their faces :D
I guess I am different in a lot of ways. (Live and let live so to speak) but while I will never willingly put another cigaretteto my lips (The idea repulses me) I kind of enjoy the smell of second-hand smoke.