Live Q&A: China Reports Community Transmission of Hemorrhagic Fever; Biden Has His “W


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Live Q&A: China Reports Community Transmission of Hemorrhagic Fever; Biden Has His “Worst Week”


It appears another virus is spreading in China, that allegedly has patients bleeding from bodily openings including the eyes and ears. Reports from Xi’an, where the government has locked down a city of 13 million people, and where there are reports of nearing starvation, claim there are now signs of community transmission of hemorrhagic fever. The state-run Global Times reported on this, and claimed the regime is urging quick vaccinations to stop the virus spread.

Meanwhile, reports are saying President Joe Biden just had his “worst week” in office. The Supreme Court ruled against his OSHA mandate in a 6 to 3 vote, striking down his mandatory vaccine policy for companies with 100 or more employees. This also included rulings that reign in the powers of the President, in line with Congress and State powers. Democrats in the Senate were considering killing the filibuster, but Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema made it clear she wouldn’t vote for it. Inflation hit a 40-year high, and this is coming along with reports of empty store shelves and increases in food prices. Biden’s approval rating, meanwhile, has been collapsing, going from 50 percent, and plummeting to low 40 and 30 percentages. Fauci is also about as popular, with only about 31 percent of Americans saying they believe him on the pandemic. And as this happens, Democrats are now talking about bringing back Hillary Clinton as their main contender in the 2024 presidential elections.