Liz Wheeler: Proof that the Black Lives Matter narrative is false

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
She nailed it pretty good on this one.

(Don't mind me people, my tooth chipped a couple of months ago, cut my tongue which developed into a mean infection the past couple of weeks which has left me out of commission this past week or so while I take my antibiotic meds ... My mind is clearing up a little ... That was rough, got pretty ugly)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
I recommend the following:

Black Lives Matter and the Psychology of Progressive Fatalism
But if anti-racism is the new religion for secular people, as John McWhorter argues in his forthcoming book, isn’t it a relatively benign one? What’s wrong with grounding one’s spiritual identity in a tangible cause? After all, since racism is still a problem, is it so bad that a sense of mystery, wonder, and absolution emerge from the impulse to fight what’s left of it? My response to this, simply, is that religion is not politics. The effectiveness of policy on real world outcomes is either beside the point of, or completely antithetical to, what fulfills the essential human need to be part of something bigger than themselves. It is this subtle leap from the material to the symbolic that explains the belief that what’s happening in the consciences of white people is the cause of black poverty.

The sign of a truly meaningful protest is the acknowledgement of conditions under which protest would cease to be necessary. But a clear condition for the end of anti-racist activism no longer exists in America since the end of Jim Crow. If that condition is a world without any disparities between racial groups in a multiracial society, without any cosmic injustices or unfairness of any kind, then all that’s left is an endless quest for spiritual salvation in the guise of progressive politics.

There is nothing wrong with elevating anti-racism in one’s own life. But there is something wrong with imposing one’s moral reality upon total strangers. What works for us doesn’t necessarily work for other people. The point of representative democracy in a diverse society is to balance conflicting interests without devolving into ethnic tribalism. Moral zealotry—the absolute certainty of one’s own personal sense of good and evil—cannot be reconciled with the complex system of trade-offs involved in societal decision-making. Any moral theory is necessarily black and white. But reality, to paraphrase Albert Murray, is the color of infinity
She nailed it pretty good on this one.

(Don't mind me people, my tooth chipped a couple of months ago, cut my tongue which developed into a mean infection the past couple of weeks which has left me out of commission this past week or so while I take my antibiotic meds ... My mind is clearing up a little ... That was rough, got pretty ugly)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Glad things are looking up.

BLM is a product of cellphone cameras. Many many times police abusing and killing people of color for almost no reason were coming out. Blacks have always told about police abuse. The lies were covered up for far too long. Now the truth is out and many blacks refuse to continue to be mistreated by the cops.
They all know that BLM was going to be attacked violently and demonized by the right and the police. That is the price that change requires in America.
She nailed it pretty good on this one.

(Don't mind me people, my tooth chipped a couple of months ago, cut my tongue which developed into a mean infection the past couple of weeks which has left me out of commission this past week or so while I take my antibiotic meds ... My mind is clearing up a little ... That was rough, got pretty ugly)


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

She’s a religious nutter from OAN