
Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
According to PC Magazine, the student, Chelsea Kate Isaacs, was assigned a class project regarding the iPad's use in the classroom. Isaacs claims she phoned Apple's PR department multiple times seeking a quote. None of those calls were returned, so she did what many Apple customers have done before: She emailed the company's co-founder. includes the email exchange:

"Mr. Jobs, I humbly ask why Apple is so wonderfully attentive to the needs of students, whether it be with the latest, greatest invention or the company's helpful customer service line, and yet, ironically, the Media Relations Department fails to answer any of my questions which are, as I have repeatedly told them, essential to my academic performance."


"Our goals do not include helping you get a good grade. Sorry."

yeah....macs are great computers, the ceo is a fucking nut :fu:
Steve Jobs is kind of famous for being an asshole to customers who E-Mail him. Not a brilliant PR strategist. You kind of wonder why he even bothers to check his customer related E-Mails if all he will do is just get pissy at them.

Why not just sit and dream down of even more ways that you can lock down your products so that consumers can't use them as they want? When you buy an Apple product, it's Apple's, not yours.