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Reagan library can't fully account for 80,000 artifacts
Stephen Osman / Los Angeles Times

A 'near universal' security breakdown left items open to theft by insiders, an audit says.
By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and Catherine Saillant, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
November 8, 2007
WASHINGTON -- The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is unable to find or account for tens of thousands of valuable mementos of Reagan's White House years because a "near universal" security breakdown left the artifacts vulnerable to pilfering by insiders, an audit by the National Archives inspector general has concluded.

Inspector General Paul Brachfeld said that his office was investigating allegations that a former employee stole Reagan memorabilia but that the probe had been hampered by the facility's sloppy record-keeping,0,3027347.story?coll=la-home-center

No One can recall where that went....
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is unable to find or account for tens of thousands of valuable mementos of Reagan's White House years

Crayon coloring books, and boxes of depends undergarmets?
What a sad story. History pilfered by some employee. Reagan was far from my favorite but its still sad for historys sake. I wish this era of anything for money would end. Im so tired of being preached to by pediphiles and thiefs about what society should not be doing for their fellow man.
Reagan library can't fully account for 80,000 artifacts
Stephen Osman / Los Angeles Times

A 'near universal' security breakdown left items open to theft by insiders, an audit says.
By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and Catherine Saillant, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
November 8, 2007
WASHINGTON -- The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library is unable to find or account for tens of thousands of valuable mementos of Reagan's White House years because a "near universal" security breakdown left the artifacts vulnerable to pilfering by insiders, an audit by the National Archives inspector general has concluded.

Inspector General Paul Brachfeld said that his office was investigating allegations that a former employee stole Reagan memorabilia but that the probe had been hampered by the facility's sloppy record-keeping,0,3027347.story?coll=la-home-center

No One can recall where that went....

Reagan's Library has been globalized.