LOL IM SUCH A LOSER - I had a dream that damo retired from JPP


on indefiniate mod break
Basically damo quit JPP, and then everyone stopped posting. And I was trying to get him to come back, but it was of no avail :( I was the last person on JPP, all the threads were empty, and I was just scrolling through the pages all sad that no one posted anymore.
Basically damo quit JPP, and then everyone stopped posting. And I was trying to get him to come back, but it was of no avail :( I was the last person on JPP, all the threads were empty, and I was just scrolling through the pages all sad that no one posted anymore.

Not even I posted?
I had a dream about a snake called The Vault. I was in my house, but my house was, for some reason, a lot bigger and richer than our normal house, and sort of like a palace, with massive indoor hanging gardens. I was in the gardens and there was a snake, whcih scared the shit out of me. It didn't attack me, so I avoided it. After a while it seemed to be following me around so I got scared as shit and attacked it and tried to kill it. IT WOULDN'T DIE. So now it was pissed as fuck at me and was chasing me around the place. I was trying to kill it but IT WOULDN'T DIE. My dog came to protect me, barking the shit out of the snake, but the snake wasn't scared. So we had a final stand in my bedroom - I got in my bed, and my dog sat on my arm and growled at the snake. I realized I needed to GTFO out of there because the snake was about to jump, but my stupid dog trying to protect me was sitting on me and I couldn't move. For some reason my mind produced a laptop at this moment and, with my hand that was free, I looked up wikipedia and saw that the snake was called "The Vault", and that it was indestructable and people usually moved to a different house when it was sited. All of this while I was scared shitless and being chased by an ultra fast snake - dream logic. So it was coming and I got so scared that I woke up.

This is actually really weird, because the thing that gave me "sleep paralysis" was a friendly creature trying to protect me but really holding me back. Usually the thing that sits on you and causes sleep paralysis is an evil presence, such as a demon that wants to rape you (my dog didn't rape me BTW).

Strangest nightmare I can ever remember.
Why are you afraid of snakes?

It was a poisonous snake. Actually, it was that kind of poisonous snake that has another snake that looks exactly like a non-poinsonous snake, so I couldn't tell. Except that snake isn't called The Vault anyway. Why are dreams so strange?
Basically damo quit JPP, and then everyone stopped posting. And I was trying to get him to come back, but it was of no avail :( I was the last person on JPP, all the threads were empty, and I was just scrolling through the pages all sad that no one posted anymore.

You really need to get out more.
I had a dream about a snake called The Vault. I was in my house, but my house was, for some reason, a lot bigger and richer than our normal house, and sort of like a palace, with massive indoor hanging gardens. I was in the gardens and there was a snake, whcih scared the shit out of me. It didn't attack me, so I avoided it. After a while it seemed to be following me around so I got scared as shit and attacked it and tried to kill it. IT WOULDN'T DIE. So now it was pissed as fuck at me and was chasing me around the place. I was trying to kill it but IT WOULDN'T DIE. My dog came to protect me, barking the shit out of the snake, but the snake wasn't scared. So we had a final stand in my bedroom - I got in my bed, and my dog sat on my arm and growled at the snake. I realized I needed to GTFO out of there because the snake was about to jump, but my stupid dog trying to protect me was sitting on me and I couldn't move. For some reason my mind produced a laptop at this moment and, with my hand that was free, I looked up wikipedia and saw that the snake was called "The Vault", and that it was indestructable and people usually moved to a different house when it was sited. All of this while I was scared shitless and being chased by an ultra fast snake - dream logic. So it was coming and I got so scared that I woke up.

This is actually really weird, because the thing that gave me "sleep paralysis" was a friendly creature trying to protect me but really holding me back. Usually the thing that sits on you and causes sleep paralysis is an evil presence, such as a demon that wants to rape you (my dog didn't rape me BTW).

Strangest nightmare I can ever remember.

This would seem to suggest that you want to live in a larger home; but you're afraid to make the move for some reason.
Plus it seems that you might be afraid that if you did get a bigger place and things went wrong, that someone you trust wouldn't let you find a way out of the problem.

You should immediately have your head removed and stuck on a pike, as an example to anyone else that has an identical dream. :cof1:
Haha, I dream about nerdy aspects of my life too, sometimes, Grind. So far JPP hasn't appeared yet, but I suppose its only a matter of time.
I've had dreams in which JPP has played a factor, I just can't remember any of them anymore.

I'm pretty sure some of the people in here probably come in as characters from time to time, too, though I can't remember an example. But I dream of grind almost every night. :)
For years I thought I didn't dream anymore, but over the last couple of years or so, I've been able to recall them more and more (at least long enough after waking to think about what went on).
You actually have several about 30 minutes dreams a night. You just don't remember any of them unless you're woken up in between - so usually unless you have an alarm clock going off at just the right time or you're woken up by a nightmare you can't remember. If someone stood by you and watched your REM sleep, and woke you up when it seemed like it was stopping, you'd remember like five or six dreams that night.
You actually have several about 30 minutes dreams a night. You just don't remember any of them unless you're woken up in between - so usually unless you have an alarm clock going off at just the right time or you're woken up by a nightmare you can't remember. If someone stood by you and watched your REM sleep, and woke you up when it seemed like it was stopping, you'd remember like five or six dreams that night.

Yeah. I thought it was fascinating when I learned about REM sleep, because the movement of the eyes is crazy. Technically, your sleep patterns are supposed to become more relaxed as they move from 1-4, but then when you move from 4 to REM, it totally makes no sense. Fascinating stuff, though.

We have a really awesome drug & alcohol psychiatrist named Jason Kilmer at my college (he also works at the UW, where he's conducted nifty studies on human social patterns and alcohol in a thing called the Barlab) who can tell you all about sleep patterns, and how alcohol effects them. When he spoke to us at freshman seminars, we all thought it was going to be the same alcohol awareness BS that we've heard for years, and then he started talking, and we were like "holy shit, who is this guy? He's fucking awesome!!" I've gotten to hear him speak twice since then, and its always cool stuff.
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I've had dreams in which JPP has played a factor, I just can't remember any of them anymore.

I'm pretty sure some of the people in here probably come in as characters from time to time, too, though I can't remember an example. But I dream of grind almost every night. :)

please stop O_O