LOL, outlet sticker prank

Tried to make the vids separate, but you'll have to click the link, unless some enterprising soul can do that as I am not very literate with puters.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Got one! <a href=""></a></p>— Just Basic Dave (@JustBasicDave) <a href="">June 14, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Haha, wrong state, though. No, this is personal travel. Flying into Lost Wages for three days, then driving our rental up north to visit my father-in-law.
My son is going there soon with his boss for a conference/piss up with Cisco.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
Have fun, you do know the SOuthWest is hot as hell right now??

You are standing in a long line of safety representatives right now. It's going to be brutal, because I'm acclimated to a region that rarely sees > 90° or < 20° and averages about 50° year round. Extreme weather and temperature is not my thing. It will be interesting to see what dry heat is like.

Have a fun trip.. If you wanna see what it's like turn on the oven to the lowest setting for a few hours...

Withering heat sweeps Southwest; Phoenix braces for 120 degrees

In Vegas it's a cool 114 tomorrow...... Nice in the clubs, you prob won't be outside

Hell, even when we clock in some pool time, my wife asked me to look into cabana reservations, but they start at $150 for all of the resort hotels, and I'm not sure we want to fork over that much.
Hell, even when we clock in some pool time, my wife asked me to look into cabana reservations, but they start at $150 for all of the resort hotels, and I'm not sure we want to fork over that much.

LOL... That heat~Unless they have an indoor pool etc you might as well stay in your room & roll that $150 on the tables or drinks, slots, a show etc..
LOL... That heat~Unless they have an indoor pool etc you might as well stay in your room & roll that $150 on the tables or drinks, slots, a show etc..

If our destination had exclusively been Vegas, we would have traveled on a vacation package with all-inclusive perks, such as food and shows. We'll have to make do as simply a couple who is passing through for the weekend. She wants to visit the mob museum, though.
If our destination had exclusively been Vegas, we would have traveled on a vacation package with all-inclusive perks, such as food and shows. We'll have to make do as simply a couple who is passing through for the weekend. She wants to visit the mob museum, though.

Should be interesting, I've never been to it..