LOL: porn 'steals' and will likely lead the way again

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Google has unveiled its new Glasses projects - a pair of specs which can film your life from the point of view of your eyes.

So it is perhaps obvious why a pornography studio wants to get hold of a pair, to make a new type of adult film.

But quite what Google will think of the idea is another matter: indeed in their official unveiling on Wednesday, the search giant said the product would initially be offered to business, industrial and medical use.

Perhaps the studio, Pink Visual, falls under that first category.

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but for porn, our internet streaming would be 3 decades behind where we are now....i read this article about how porn how influenced web tech and was blown away. it was about 5 years ago. if porn embraces this tech, it will likely advance the tech much quicker.

it is odd....on the one hand (is that a pun?) i don't like the porn industry, however, they help advance my like of technology.
dude, shut up, porn is my life.

California would be even deeper in the shit without it.

Porn and illegal immigrants is what keeps California's head above water. People don't want to admit it, but think what it would be like without exploiting cheap labor! Who would clean your house, mow your lawn, watch your children, pick your produce! Think of what the industrializedd nations would do without their cheap labor.

In Saudia Arabia my girlfriend had a Pakistani housekeeper, the woman worked for peanuts, but my friend tipped her very well. I sure my friend was an exception. Her husband trained Saudis or McDonald-Douglas on flight simulators, they lived on the American compound. She had to wear a burka and have a driver when she left the compound. She did it was a very unusual way of life, but she enjoyed he experience.
Porn and illegal immigrants is what keeps California's head above water. People don't want to admit it, but think what it would be like without exploiting cheap labor! Who would clean your house, mow your lawn, watch your children, pick your produce! Think of what the industrializedd nations would do without their cheap labor.

In Saudia Arabia my girlfriend had a Pakistani housekeeper, the woman worked for peanuts, but my friend tipped her very well. I sure my friend was an exception. Her husband trained Saudis or McDonald-Douglas on flight simulators, they lived on the American compound. She had to wear a burka and have a driver when she left the compound. She did it was a very unusual way of life, but she enjoyed he experience.

Sorry, i high jacked the thread, now back to porn, I have only seen three whole porn movies my entire life. I just can't handle the bad story lines, bad acting, and the dialogue. I prefer soft porn, like most cable series. The acting is more realistic and the dialogue better.
California would be even deeper in the shit without it.

true. it is a huge industry here.

i didn't mean to sound judgmental when i talked about porn. i've looked at naked ladies and occasionally i get the awesome naked lady pic from a friend who loves sending me stuff from 3 page, some british site that has beautiful women. what i don't like about most porn is the exploitation of women of the degradation of sex.
First I was an expert, and now its only conversant?

An expert on a subject is one who is conversant with it.

You complained that "Its hard to tell the women from the men"in Russian porn.

Now, quit dancing, and explain how you know "Its hard to tell the women from the men"in Russian porn.
An expert on a subject is one who is conversant with it.

You complained that "Its hard to tell the women from the men"in Russian porn.

Now, quit dancing, and explain how you know "Its hard to tell the women from the men"in Russian porn.

Someone who is conversant about something is familiar and knowledgeable about it. It certainly does not mean they are an expert.

Backpedaling becomes you.
Someone who is conversant about something is familiar and knowledgeable about it. It certainly does not mean they are an expert. Backpedaling becomes you.

Dodging does not become you.

Explain how you know "Its (sic) hard to tell the women from the men" in Russian porn.