LOL - Pretty Much True!


This year puts you back in your wonderful watery element, Pisces. First off, Neptune, your ruling planet, will be moving back into your constellation in February for its full cyclic residency.


No longer can you deny how truly empathic and sensitive you are. It's time to channel those special qualities into proper use!

lol astrology.



lol astrology.

I too, am a Piesces. Incidentally, I've recently come to the conclusion that the current economic crisis is due to the fact that the Gods' have been ignored for the past 2000 years. How would you feel after having barely been given a sacrifice for that long? No wonder their wrath is upon us! Therefore, I think we should revive the Christian persecutions of Diocletian. Everyone in America should be required to make a sacrifice to Jupiter, and those who refuse should be summarily beheaded, besides a perhaps a few choice people who will be temporarily spared so that we can behead them on public television instead, to better set an example.

As well, the continued existence of the southern United States is something that can't be tolerated. Therefore, we must eject the southern states from the union, and declare them conquered territory. Afterwards, we should set up military perimeters around the cities, preventing all entrance and exit, until it has been decided that the residents of the have all starved to death. Those in the countryside, on the other hand, should be reduced to slavery and worked to death. Slowly, as these slaves cease to bother us with their continued existence, they will be replaced with colonists from the north and west, until the last southerner has thankfully drawn his/her last breath, and the pestilence that has so long plagued the human race is finally eradicated. From there, a new south, composed of better people, will take its place as a respectable member of the union.