LOL ~ Styxhexenhammer666: Brexit! What's Next: Frexit? Nexit? Italexit? Swexit?

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
I am at the 2:40 mark while watching this video and here is, who I have been calling Windbag for years now ;) hey Windbag lol, at it again with what looks like a fairly well presented video.

I would rather hear long live the Queen as opposed to religious rubbish in lieu of what Windbag shares when it comes to anything let alone the Queen.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
The EU has allowed Northern Ireland to be both in the UK and de facto in Ireland. With Brexit, that is gone, and the peace treaty has been scrapped. They are trying their best to come up with a new peace treaty, but I would expect another war sooner or later over Northern Ireland Exiting the UK. What would that be called? NIExist?

Obviously, ScExit was a close call last time, but looks lot more certain now. Scotland can leave the UK more easily than Northern Ireland. At least there will be no war. WExit, Welsh exit would take a few more years.

As London's financially collapses, they are going to be more and more upset of Brexit being shoved down their throat. I really do not see how London can exit the UK, but who knows at this point.