

Inequality fundamentally leads to unfairness. Whatever neutral sounding set of rules you set up, if you allow for inequality, and especially severe inequality, it is only a matter of time before the the powerful figure out how to game them to their benefit.

Like look at all the pretentious notions that abound in our justice system about blindness and impartiality. If you peel back the gilding and glitter, though, it should be immediately obvious that the wealthy and the poor, in a realistic sense, basically obey an entirely different set of laws. If you're poor and black, literally you can be framed by the cops and shoved through the system just to get their numbers up. Once a jury literally sentenced a kid to jail for murder for a crime they didn't really think he did (and for which another person had already been sentenced for the murder) simply because they thought, oh well, if we don't imprison him now he'll just be back in for some other crime eventually anyway.

You are not technically supposed to be guilty until proven such, but in much of the United States bail is pretty much deliberately set in such a way as to keep people in jail until trial. When bail reform attempts are made to equalize the situation and provide the poor with the same right to freedom until actual conviction at trial, of course, people froth at the mouth, you liberals, your just letting the criminals out! In standards liberal discourse it's hardly even thought worth mentioning that the people in question haven't actually been convicted of anything.

And then I'm like, fine, if it's so great to lock poor people up who haven't been convicted, surely it's even better to lock rich criminals up too as well right? Then suddenly we get all serious, how dare you? The constitution establishes a right to bail! You can't take away our freedoms like that! Like suddenly, what had just been fantastic when applied in such a way that it only affects the poor, is literally a crime against humanity. Thus is the stupidity of liberal constitutions.

If you're wealthy, clearly, you play a different set of rules. You pay your bail and are free awaiting trail, free to organize your affairs. You purchase private attorneys who are basically retainers solely dedicated to your case, and are usually far more knowledgeable of the law, and far more interested in the case and dedicated to their client. And usually probably you'll get a whole team of lawyers just as well. In contrast to a public defender, literally there are instances of public defenders being forced to handle hundreds of cases in a single day. No matter how much they care, they have minutes, maybe an hour or two if their lucky, to think about each client and each case. It is utterly laughable to claim that this is an equal justice system for all. Like we've basically designed a whole convoluted system, where there are a billion different laws and different magic words and ancient traditions you can utter if you have enough knowledge to get out of jail.

If you invest the considerable resources necessary to purchase the service of the wizards who know all the words and can strategize best about how to use them, you go free, or at least get massively reduced punishment. If you do not know the words, you are basically at the mercy of the prosecutor and the police. And for some reason those are often considered to be respectable parties who are only interested in what is right? When in reality, their success or failure in their profession is pretty much solely dependent on the number of people they help convict. They say they have no bias against rich or poor, and I think they fully believe that in their head. But they know full well that it's a goddamn waste of their time to doggedly pursue some millionaire with connections, they will buy the wizards, they have the defenses, they will be a much tougher cookie to nail. While if you grab some poor black kid off the street you can pretty much make up whatever shit you want and the case will fly right on through, your opposition will be some guy who barely remembers his clients name and is literally reading the trial notes for the first time in the court itself.

Naturally you go down the road of least resistance, wow it's so easy to convict the guilty guys from this demographic, I can do a lot more good there. And even the guys who are not quite as clearly guilty sail right on through, naturally of course you convince yourself that their guilty just as well. And then there's the guys you convict by basically just throwing spaghetti against the walls, those of course, you are the most proud of, because they were at least somewhat tough to shove through, you had to argue harshly and thoroughly against them. Like not even a fraction as much effort as it would take to convict a rich person who is dead on guilty, but still some effort nonetheless, and that deserves some commendation right?

We enjoy watching the poor getting shat on, it provides us with a fantasy of perfect justice, we enjoy just watching the clearly guilty go straight to jail, we enjoy watching some poor desperate guy laughingly fail at conjuring those magic legal spells and brushed aside contemptuously by the judge and issued a harsh sentence. We enjoy watching a guy that who has a shoddy alibi have it torn to shreds, it provides us with relief from all the stories we know of that working just fine for a wealthy person. That's just how it should be for the rich too right? Only it is not. But we do not concern ourselves long for with that of course.

As for tax laws, again, the rich expend almost laughably monumental amounts of effort on dodging their taxes. They write their own laws and carefully insert their own loopholes. They crowd it away in jurisdictions that don't comply with IRS subpoenas for financial information. And of course western national governments always make a big show about this, but it is fairly striking how much pure hot air has been spewed over this subject compared to how little actual action against the countries in question. Almost like the leaders in question maybe don't actually have any desire to do anything about it. Or maybe, probably, consider it a good thing. Like it's amazing, Switzerland helps screw the American lower classes out of hundreds of billions, just blindly accepts bags of money from pretty much anyone, no questions asked, and just laughs when presented with a subpoena asking for information concerning shady financial transactions. Oh, uhhhhmmmm, we have bank secrecy, it's like attorney client privilege, except for billionaires bank accounts, very clearly a necessary right to have you see and very fair, very liberal. And Switzerland is just loved, oh look at them their economy is doing so well, geez just how do they do it, how do they advance so much as a society? While Venezuelans are starved into the ground for, uhmmmm, basically just shit, and that's just great too. Venezuelan officials are corrupt don't you know, not like a healthy liberal advanced western democracy like Switzerland. Where does all the money go huh that those Venezuelan officials are stealing?

Actually, yeah, we do know that, it goes to Switzerland, Switzerland helps them hide it and cover up their crimes and takes interest off of the billions stolen from the those poor poor Venezuelans we care so much about it. Again, that's great of course, clever Switzerland right? If you were to suggest we apply even the mildest of sanctions to Switzerland, or Bermuda, over this sort of bullshit, which is clearly just taking full on advantage of the benefits of sovereignty to help wealthy foreign criminals get away with their crimes, well that's beyond the pale, how dare you right? Very illiberal, very bad good sir, we've got to fight this the good old fashioned was, a lot of hot air, and a lot of futile subpeonas for the fortune some pedo rapist has squirreled away to deny it to his victims, replied to with French or German laughter, that's just great.

And the rich people who do this, and we know they all do this, and it's just OK because everyone does it alright? Well, technically it's against the law, and a criminal act. But they and Switzerland hid the evidence in such a way that they can't be prosecuted. It's kind of funny really how banal and acceptable this violation of the law is. Again, literally these people are criminals. Everyone of the rich does it, so every rich person, is a fucking criminal. It's basically part of the job. That's just great of course, suddenly violating the law is based. Of course an immigrant who comes through and faces little threat of prosecution, that is the most outrageous thing in the world, suddenly boring white people will literally move heaven and Earth, and will be constrained by no limits of profiling, to correct this horrendous and inexcusable injustice. The law is suddenly like a big deal, you know. And of course the immigrants are poor, so just like with bail I mentioned earlier, the government figures out arguably illegal methods of abusing technically statutory measures that are not truly intended as punishments, in what are clearly punitive ways, just without all the baggage of actually having to follow the law that you'd have to go through if you were actually legally applying punitive measures. Again, just great. These are, asylum seekers. They have according to the government itself, committed no crime, are not being threatened with being charged with any crime (because if we did that, we would have to give them due process, which we do not want to do), are theoretically in processing to have their humanitarian cases processed. Many of which are eventually granted, so again, just think of that, they were actually even according to this heartless administration victims fleeing for their lives, and they spent those months or years in these camps which, again, are not technically supposed to be punitive because they cannot be punitive.

And there practically could be no greater source of joy in the average American, than the suffering of these people. A dad killed himself in despair after being separated from his son? Oh well bucko, should've chosen somewhere else to go hahahahahaha! That'll teach em! Or the constant refrains of, tHeY vIoLaTeD tHe LaW, any time conditions are brought, from people who clearly are confused and unaware of the governments stated decision that these people have not committed any crime and are not being punished. Because that would require the use of law, and the violations of law are so bad that we can't waste time following the law to correct them, we must pursue lawfulness through lawlessness. Not that we're punishing anyone, for any judges in the vicinity. Wow look at that, suddenly we're a whole nation, and we're acting and thinking a lot like criminals aren't we? Funny how that works. It's all for the law though, that's all that matters.

Also of course there's the small matter of the fact that we're imprisoning children too. Again, not for legal reasons. Totally not punitive at all. But damn we better not make conditions too good right, can't encourage them to come over lol? A tent in the desert should be enough. You don't even need much in the way of guards, because these people strangely do not act much like criminals and are not particularly violent. Sort of like their just regular families. Of course if they were criminals like the right claims, it would be a crime against humanity to knowingly lock children up in there in the same camps as all those criminals wouldn't it? Good thing, again, they are not criminals, for legal purposes.

Just imagine if we treated rich criminal tax dodgers this way, responded to the inherently difficult nature of prosecuting them by just grabbing them and throwing them in camps without charges. Laughing at them as they kill themselves after being separated from their chidren. Har har har, shouldn't have thrown all that money away in Switzerland! Not that you are being accused of that. Because if we did that, you'd have to go through due process. And we don't want to do that. So just wait in the camp my friend.

Has there ever been any more evil thought than what I just mentioned in the eyes of liberals? What cruelty, what heartlessness, practically the image of Mao Zedong, the most evillest murderer in all of human history as we well know.

And anyway, the migrants are satisfaction enough. Just funny how that works, the poor bear the brunt of fulfilling all of our fantasies don't they. The wretched of the Earth. Just fucking great.
You could live in a socialist state, and not have any rights at all. Which socialists then tell us is more humane and civic-minded than liberalism.