Long Weekends are not Conducive to...

i have been so busy, not been able to track the trends...


did see we got to 32 people a day participating in threads :) ....it has been slower... :(
hey, time to go to the DU and entice them to come here....IF your friends keep comming, or we desperately need at least two FULLTIME saoirse's or desh's or a few AC's...:D, to keep it interesting, otherwise it appears to be a lovefest of conservatives with opinion ONLY to post, not even any links to back up any of their opinions that i've seen?

i guess they are here to circle jerk with themselves? maybe, i am wrong...i hope to be wrong and some honest debate takes place....i'm sure i'm wrong....just a little overwhelmed, i guess.... :( sorry for the rant!

It's been interesting. We'll see how it goes. Darla got Prakosh to get over here... I'm sure we'll see more.
I did notice that there are quite a few women conservatives here, I remeber specifically how there were conversations on another board about how they didn't exist...
I did notice that there are quite a few women conservatives here, I remeber specifically how there were conversations on another board about how they didn't exist...

they still don't exist as far as i am concerned, there's nothing ''conservative'' about the new girls on site...imo.... republican, maybe, but not conservative in the least!!! lol
It's been interesting. We'll see how it goes. Darla got Prakosh to get over here... I'm sure we'll see more.
Trog and I want to get SwanModule to migrate. Now there's a liberal after your own heart: a real iconoclast, and as weird as they come. Professional mathematician. "Weird" is a job requirement.