look at this vid because its' awesome

1) Never make a statement to the PoPo

2) For the love of God never take a lie Detector test administered by the PoPo. It is just another interrogation technique. It is why they will make you and your lawyer if applicable sign a waiver of your rights before they do them,
honestly the way the detectives just peppered him with question after question, the lady doing the line detector test "right now only 1 person knows the truth, and in 5 minutes two people are going too" the way they built up his self image and gave him a story to use (the wife killed the kids and he killed the wife) which he ended up parroting, then once they made him move that far they started working on the full confession, it's amazing.
I couldn't sit through it because I don't find assholes entertaining, just sad and dumb. Like whenever I hear about a murder-suicide I always think: "Dude, you fucked up the order. You should have done yourself first."
This reminded me of watching Donald Trump trying to defend himself during a White House Press Conference!

Can you even imagine Donald Trump being interrogated by Robert Mueller or a Grand Jury? Lol!