Look At Trump’s Negatives


Verified User
Jeez, it takes a warped mind to hand the presidency to a thief so he, Trump, would be missed:



Who in their right mind misses a NY hustler who gave the Parasite Class at least $300,000,000,000 (THAT IS TRILLIONS).

Worse still, if the douche bag runs again in 2024 —— and wins —— he will inherit Scummy Joe Biden holdovers in addition to the Clinton/Obama bums the cowardly lion refused to fire when he had the chance. Even after President Trump knew who these two stood with:

he refused to fire them.

President Trump’s negatives were so numerous somebody should have whispered in his shell-like ear: IN POLITICS ALL OF THE POSITIVES IN THE WORLD DO NOT GET THE BETTER OF A NEGATIVE.

On the plus side, conservative Americans have a shot at gaining a bunch of seats in both Houses of Congress in 2022, but only if they nominate trusted conservatives. In the past so-called conservatives turned out to be conservatives-in-name-only the minute they dived into the public trough.

Finally, establishment Republicans sure as hell have nobody that can kick Democrat ass regardless of how many times Biden & Company commit treason between now and November 2022. It is looking so grim for Republican wimps in 2022 they are going to lose seats in fair elections.
You think there will ever be fair elections again?

To Legion: It is getting awfully hard to answer YES —— mainly because the road to future fair elections is blocked by an array of formidable enemies:

1. First and foremost, the U.S. Supreme Court.

2. The United Nations administering a global government.

3. The extremely wealthy and politically powerful New World Order crowd.

4. Parasite Class rank & file voters who cast just enough ballots to give the illusion of fair elections.

Note that every one of the enemies is lost without media that is owned and controlled by “The extremely wealthy and politically powerful New World Order crowd.”

Each one of the enemies opposes fair election for different reasons, but their goal is the same: KEEP FREEDOM-LOVING AMERICANS OUT OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Frankly, Trump stumbled onto one piece of each enemy’s agenda without ever putting every piece together. That is why Trump is not my cup of tea.

El Rushbo got it right:

RUSH: The endgame, for the people that you have mentioned, the endgame is the destruction of the entire MAGA movement, even if it means the Republican Party is adrift in the wilderness for 30 years. We’re gonna get rid of MAGA, it’s gonna have nothing to do with the Republican Party going forward. That’s the battle within the Republican Party. The Republican Party has its own establishment types. They have members that are as pro-deep state as Democrats are.

The Establishment GOP Wants to End the MAGA Movement
Jan 29, 2021


p.s. Silent Cal could have been talking about Trump when he said:

Trump sure as hell lost his job because he listened to congressional Republicans like Mitch McConnell, while ignoring everything he heard from conservatives.

I should add that Trump in the White House is a zillion times better Scummy Joe Biden. Sad to say, the presidency will have no meaning to loyal Americans until they unite and send the America-haters packing. Until that day arrives enough elections have to be rigged in order to sustain the status quo.
Jeez, it takes a warped mind to hand the presidency to a thief so he, Trump, would be missed:

Who in their right mind misses a NY hustler who gave the Parasite Class at least $300,000,000,000 (THAT IS TRILLIONS).

Worse still, if the douche bag runs again in 2024 —— and wins —— he will inherit Scummy Joe Biden holdovers in addition to the Clinton/Obama bums the cowardly lion refused to fire when he had the chance. Even after President Trump knew who these two stood with:

he refused to fire them.

President Trump’s negatives were so numerous somebody should have whispered in his shell-like ear: IN POLITICS ALL OF THE POSITIVES IN THE WORLD DO NOT GET THE BETTER OF A NEGATIVE.

On the plus side, conservative Americans have a shot at gaining a bunch of seats in both Houses of Congress in 2022, but only if they nominate trusted conservatives. In the past so-called conservatives turned out to be conservatives-in-name-only the minute they dived into the public trough.

Finally, establishment Republicans sure as hell have nobody that can kick Democrat ass regardless of how many times Biden & Company commit treason between now and November 2022. It is looking so grim for Republican wimps in 2022 they are going to lose seats in fair elections.

Only thief was the fat, orange, grifter, who golfed for more than a year of his presidency.

The only traitors were the insurrectionist-in-chief and his cult.

"Look at Trump's negatives".

That would take several dozen threads to post them all.
Trump does not have very many negatives....I suppose if I had to name one I would say that he misses too much because he barely reads books now. I have been told that all of the Trump kids were made by mom to read a lot, and he went to an IVY School before they collapsed, so I know that he can....he just does not want to.
Trump does not have very many negatives....I suppose if I had to name one I would say that he misses too much because he barely reads books now.

To Hawkeye10: Speaking of books, not reading ‘NOVELS’ published to enrich Democrat parasites is a positive in Trump’s column:

The Obamas’ $65 million book advances still lead the way to the most lavish, though the notion that even Democrat politicians’ relatives, like Chelsea Clinton, would offer ghostwritten pap worth anything is something you just have to believe.​

Plagiarist Scummy Joe Biden is so brain-dead someone else will have to sign legislation for him.

The rest of Clarice’s piece is a must-read for conservatives:

January 31, 2021
You Will Be Made to Believe Implausible Things
By Clarice Feldman

Plagiarist Scummy Joe Biden is so brain-dead someone else will have to sign legislation for him.

I just love curtain calls:

It’s common knowledge for anyone paying attention this past year that Joe Biden is suffering from mid-to-late stage dementia.

This explains why Democrats hid Joe in the basement all year while they schemed on ways to manufacture votes. It is also common knowledge that Jill Biden, his wife of over 40 years of marriage, is his constant companion and personal aide to help Joe out during times of confusion. This is typical with those spouses who are married to dementia patients.

But is Jill Biden more than her husband’s handler?

A Missouri pharmacist sent us this keen observation.

I am a pharmacist in Missouri. I read a few days ago that none of Biden’s Executive Orders have been posted to the Federal Register, so I looked, then, a few days ago. Those Executive Orders are showing up. However, I believe I have accidentally discovered his signature may be a forgery. I just sat on this discovery, thinking someone else more important would notice it. I guess no one has yet.

Part of my job as a pharmacist is to watch for forged doctor signatures and I am pretty sure Joe’s are forged. I suspect that he is embarrassed by his shaky signature and had his wife sign for his signature stamp used for official business. As you can see on the attachment the last three signatures are identical, indicative of a stamp, and that’s fine as long as it is his signature. Maybe that’s easier to submit to the Federal Register. Otherwise, I believe it is illegal to have someone else sign for a signature stamp that binds a legal document. I have seen the signature of doctors get shaky at the end of their careers, but never change in a single year as Joe’s purportedly has done.

If you have contact with a handwriting expert, perhaps you can have that person take a look. But look at the attachment I created, all from the public domain. Clearly, Joe has an established signature, but the last three signatures I have on the document are from separate Executive Orders that can be found online at the Federal Register. Clearly, in my opinion, they are not his signature. They look more like the signature of his wife, Jill, also on the attachment. Focus on the “B” in Biden. Perhaps an expert can offer a more definitive opinion.

Here is Joe Biden’s signature last year.​

Here are more signatures by Joe Biden and Jill Biden.

And here are Joe Biden’s signatures from the last week.

Notice the “B” in the signature.

Is this Joe’s signature?

We are contacting the White House for comment.

This is Odd: Joe Biden’s Signature on Latest Official Documents Is Raising Eyebrows
By Jim Hoft
Published February 2, 2021 at 10:33am

You think there will ever be fair elections again?

it is apparent trump stooges have no ability to think. even newsmax.....let me repeat....NEWSMAX...told crazy ass my pillow guy Lindell to shut the fuck up with his bullshit voting fraud theories, that they have examined these theories, found nothing to back them up, that they agree the election results were fair and accurate...EVEN NEWSMAX.


I just love curtain calls:

It’s common knowledge for anyone paying attention this past year that Joe Biden is suffering from mid-to-late stage dementia.

This explains why Democrats hid Joe in the basement all year while they schemed on ways to manufacture votes. It is also common knowledge that Jill Biden, his wife of over 40 years of marriage, is his constant companion and personal aide to help Joe out during times of confusion. This is typical with those spouses who are married to dementia patients.

But is Jill Biden more than her husband’s handler?

A Missouri pharmacist sent us this keen observation.

I am a pharmacist in Missouri. I read a few days ago that none of Biden’s Executive Orders have been posted to the Federal Register, so I looked, then, a few days ago. Those Executive Orders are showing up. However, I believe I have accidentally discovered his signature may be a forgery. I just sat on this discovery, thinking someone else more important would notice it. I guess no one has yet.

Part of my job as a pharmacist is to watch for forged doctor signatures and I am pretty sure Joe’s are forged. I suspect that he is embarrassed by his shaky signature and had his wife sign for his signature stamp used for official business. As you can see on the attachment the last three signatures are identical, indicative of a stamp, and that’s fine as long as it is his signature. Maybe that’s easier to submit to the Federal Register. Otherwise, I believe it is illegal to have someone else sign for a signature stamp that binds a legal document. I have seen the signature of doctors get shaky at the end of their careers, but never change in a single year as Joe’s purportedly has done.

If you have contact with a handwriting expert, perhaps you can have that person take a look. But look at the attachment I created, all from the public domain. Clearly, Joe has an established signature, but the last three signatures I have on the document are from separate Executive Orders that can be found online at the Federal Register. Clearly, in my opinion, they are not his signature. They look more like the signature of his wife, Jill, also on the attachment. Focus on the “B” in Biden. Perhaps an expert can offer a more definitive opinion.

Here is Joe Biden’s signature last year.​

Here are more signatures by Joe Biden and Jill Biden.

And here are Joe Biden’s signatures from the last week.

Notice the “B” in the signature.

Is this Joe’s signature?

We are contacting the White House for comment.

This is Odd: Joe Biden’s Signature on Latest Official Documents Is Raising Eyebrows
By Jim Hoft
Published February 2, 2021 at 10:33am


you are maybe the dumbest conspiracy theory assclown in history. you will believe anything...but the truth.
Mr Trump is the best president ever. God bless Mr Trump. You Dems are going to rue the day

Not even close, more like worst. He does not believe in God, so that is out. No they won't, but the Repubs are about to rue the day they ever supported trump.
To CASPER: Does Biden?

Or does Biden believe in organized religion?

Well he belongs to the Catholic Church so I would have to answer yes. With that said, I assume you know that one does not have to believe in Organized Religion to believe in God.
Well he belongs to the Catholic Church so I would have to answer yes.

To CASPER: Really!
With that said, I assume you know that one does not have to believe in Organized Religion to believe in God.

To CASPER: You assume correctly:

Since the day organized religion was invented every priesthood worked to make their religion the one true religion. That never-ending “competition” put the human race on a fast track to hell the day the one God notion ejaculated organized religion as it is practiced today. From the beginning the elimination of every other religion took priority over forcing everybody to believe in God. Basically, religious fanatics hate alien religious fanatics more than they hate atheists. (In today’s world Muslims and Communists are the only priesthoods who proselytize with guns.)

Incidentally, people like me who believe in God, but not religion, do not care what others believe. Did you ever hear of an individual who believed in God beating up someone because they practiced a religion? How many times has the world seen fanatical believers in one religion trying to wipe out, or convert by force, true believers in another religion?

I do not have a problem with either Politicians or Judges being believers in God, I only draw the line when they attempt to make Laws or Rule based on those beliefs while ignoring the facts of the issue.

While I do not have a big problem with Organized Religion, for some it is their best path, but I will add that while the Government has no business involving themselves in their affairs, unless unlawful, I also believe that for Organized Religion to enjoy the perks they need to also stay out of Politics, that is not their Mission. As for Wars fought over Religion, I totally agree, think John Lennon, the words to the song Imagine thought provoking.
Trump has about as much chance to become president again in 2024 as O.J. Simpson!

The Vocal and Voting Majority of Americans just fired and rejected Trump and his scandalous and corrupt presidency.

For the Republicans to be able to repair the damage done to their party by Donald Trump before the Mid-Term elections is HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE AND DOUBTFUL.

The Democrat Party produced 85 million votes in 2020 and they aren't going away.

In fact, The Democrat Party is getting even stronger, and will be recruiting millions of more voters in the next couple of years, as the Republican party is divided and losing their appeal to many Republicans who now find they have more in common with Democrats than they do with the Qanon, and other White Nationalist Fringe Groups now leading the Republican party and steering them so far in the wrong direction, they may never be able to find their way back to reality and even expect to win elections again.

Rest In Peace Republican Party!