look hard at this picture of Cheney

You got it, I saw it too. No snarl. He must have been torturing a fish or something to smile like that.
This is the stuff you find when you read too many left-wing websites.

Naked Woman in Cheney Glasses? No!

WASHINGTON (AP) — Get real, people. That is not a naked woman reflected in Vice President Dick Cheney's sunglasses. Although it kind of appears to be. It you blow up the picture, you can see it is Cheney's hand gripping the handle of a fishing rod.

The picture was posted on the White House Web site as one in a series of photos of Cheney outdoors. It created a buzz on the Internet on Friday and some cable television shows.

LOL had it been hillary the right ring pundits would have been all over it. Get over it CAW.

If it had been a naked chick it would have been cool. It wasn't therefore it was a waste of time. Hillary would have gotten props for looking at a naked chick.
Come on dude you know it looked like one.

Its why I put it in whatever goes. I figured it was just a lark.