LOOK!! I have a link.


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Man, this site is like every other political site. More than half the threads are just links to someone elses work then the typical poster leaves a 2 sentance summary about how they agree. If you guys are such political wonks you should be able to express your own opinions in detail then MAYBE use a link for a back up. I'd like to come here and exchange opinions not get shortcuts to websites I can already go to for myself.
Man, this site is like every other political site. More than half the threads are just links to someone elses work then the typical poster leaves a 2 sentance summary about how they agree. If you guys are such political wonks you should be able to express your own opinions in detail then MAYBE use a link for a back up. I'd like to come here and exchange opinions not get shortcuts to websites I can already go to for myself.

Folks, I sense a Diaper Don sort of situation developing here, and it should be nipped in the butt, we see what happened when we let the Diaper Don get away with too much complaining, he wanted free reign? Knowing I am surrounded by fools, pinheads, and idiots, I took the initiative to investigate this situation immeidatley if not sooner? You worms could not investigate your way out of a wet paper bag, butt, I have grown fond of some of you, in the way a master will with some of his more amusing coolies? Here is what I found:


1. to confuse, bewilder, or stupefy.
2. to make obscure or unclear: to obfuscate a problem with extraneous information.
3. to darken.

This does not look good?
I tend to get ripped everytime I post anything without a link...

I could post "It is hot here today" And someone would want a link :)
Man, this site is like every other political site. More than half the threads are just links to someone elses work then the typical poster leaves a 2 sentance summary about how they agree. If you guys are such political wonks you should be able to express your own opinions in detail then MAYBE use a link for a back up. I'd like to come here and exchange opinions not get shortcuts to websites I can already go to for myself.
So, where is your political analysis then? Give us a nice editorial of your own, we will then hack it to pieces and provide links....

I tend to get ripped everytime I post anything without a link...

I could post "It is hot here today" And someone would want a link :)

I can only speak for myself but for you to even post a single fact would be a major accomplishment, expecting a link from you would be like expecting a professor at a major university to retort with a one-liner and a smiley. Some people are born lazy dumbasses.
WOW! 3 whole lines from Dano....
Hey boy you are catching on.

Umm the professor thing is all I get from topper :)
don't flatter yourself Dano. Remember the times you told me how great the war was and Bush too ?

Who has been right more times on politics than the other one ?
You poor foolish little boy.
Actually Dano I am grateful to you you have tought me a lot about dealing with extreme dumbasses. It has been a benefit to me.
Thanks Dano.
And that is sincere.