Looking for Balanced News Sources – Any Suggestions?


New member
Hey everyone,

I have been trying to stay more informed about what is going on in the world, but it feels like a lot of news outlets are pretty biased these days. I am hoping to find some recommendations for news sources that are as balanced and neutral as possible.

I know it is hard to find something completely unbiased but I am looking for places that at least try to give both sides of the story. Whether it is websites, podcasts, YouTube channels or even Twitter accounts, I am open to any suggestions.

I am also curious if any of you have strategies for sifting through news and figuring out what is reliable versus what’s just sensationalized. Would love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks in advance for your help. Looking forward to seeing what everyone suggests.

Best Regards,
Welcome hellmass. Hope you enjoy yourself here.

I doubt you are going to find any news source that you consider to be unbiased. Any reliable, ethical news source cannot truly be unbiased, mostly, I think, because the receiver of the news has a bias...and that impacts on the evaluation. Can you imagine, for instance, a news source that a Hitler or Stalin admirer would consider to be unbiased...that you also would?

News is reported...and each individual has to look at what the source says and evaluate, as unbiasedly as possible, what that source has to say.

You most assuredly WILL NOT find unbiased sources of information here in JPP.
What you are seeing no longer exists from established sources, the best you can do at the moment is establish your own grapevine on alternative media, seek out the dissidents who know what they are talking about, and who tell the truth. This is extremely time costly, I can do it only because I am retired.

I just got done with this:

Amb. Chas Freeman: Israel's Self-Destruction: Attacking Hezbollah Could Lead to Their Own Downfall!​

Chas talks about this problem at 31:30

X is currently extremely helpful in finding the truth but again one must know how to use it, must have a lot of time to invest, and it is likely to go away as the Regimes censorship continues to get worse.
Welcome hellmass. Hope you enjoy yourself here.

I doubt you are going to find any news source that you consider to be unbiased. Any reliable, ethical news source cannot truly be unbiased, mostly, I think, because the receiver of the news has a bias...and that impacts on the evaluation. Can you imagine, for instance, a news source that a Hitler or Stalin admirer would consider to be unbiased...that you also would?

News is reported...and each individual has to look at what the source says and evaluate, as unbiasedly as possible, what that source has to say.

You most assuredly WILL NOT find unbiased sources of information here in JPP.
If a news source had the fortitude to just write "Hitlers army invaded Poland today. Thousands reported dead." Few people could legitimately call that biased no matter what side they're on. There isna reason only 31% of Americans trust the media.
If a news source had the fortitude to just write "Hitlers army invaded Poland today. Thousands reported dead." Few people could legitimately call that biased no matter what side they're on. There isna reason only 31% of Americans trust the media.
There is a better, truer reason so many Americans distrust the media.

Trump has instructed them to do so.

And, like good stooges, the follow their Fuhrer's orders.
Hey everyone,

I have been trying to stay more informed about what is going on in the world, but it feels like a lot of news outlets are pretty biased these days. I am hoping to find some recommendations for news sources that are as balanced and neutral as possible.

I know it is hard to find something completely unbiased but I am looking for places that at least try to give both sides of the story. Whether it is websites, podcasts, YouTube channels or even Twitter accounts, I am open to any suggestions.

I am also curious if any of you have strategies for sifting through news and figuring out what is reliable versus what’s just sensationalized. Would love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks in advance for your help. Looking forward to seeing what everyone suggests.

Best Regards,

I tend to go for "legacy" media, media that has been around and accepted as a good source of news for decades and decades. But more importantly when I'm looking for REAL information (not just entertainment and manufactured outrage) I tend to go for the more "boring" outlets like PBS, NPR and back in tha day The CS Monitor. All solid sources of information.

Probably 20 years ago I would have included CNN in that list but CNN has become such a shitshow with the non-stop talking heads blathering about bs and the severe bias they show. And it's even a bias I like...but I don't want it from my news sources.
As if that matters if you never use it.
My mind is used throughout the day. The fact that you cannot see that most of my comments are reasonable and intelligent is your problem...not mine.

ANYONE still supporting Trump is a traitor to America. It is impossible that his many defects are invisible to you...and it is impossible to see that damn near anyone on the other side would make a better president than he.

YOU, Yakuda, are a traitor.

I do not say that lightly...in fact, I say it sadly. There is no way I want you, or anyone else, to be that.

But the fact that you still are supporting circumstances that may result in 4 more years of Trump as president...tells me it is so.
that is hard - most reporters have a bias in their reporting. The best you can do is make sure you understand all sides of an issue - so you consume bias from different perspectives as well

theHill.com does a good job of employing people from many sides allowing you to understand nuance
My mind is used throughout the day. The fact that you cannot see that most of my comments are reasonable and intelligent is your problem...not mine.

ANYONE still supporting Trump is a traitor to America. It is impossible that his many defects are invisible to you...and it is impossible to see that damn near anyone on the other side would make a better president than he.

YOU, Yakuda, are a traitor.

I do not say that lightly...in fact, I say it sadly. There is no way I want you, or anyone else, to be that.

But the fact that you still are supporting circumstances that may result in 4 more years of Trump as president...tells me it is so.
Someone has an emotional boo boo. Go see your mommy Francis.
Hey everyone,
Hello hellmass. Welcome to the forum!
I have been trying to stay more informed about what is going on in the world,
Being informed is definitely a good thing. You will find that most users on this forum simply parrot the mainstream media lies.
but it feels like a lot of news outlets are pretty biased these days. I am hoping to find some recommendations for news sources that are as balanced and neutral as possible.

I know it is hard to find something completely unbiased but I am looking for places that at least try to give both sides of the story. Whether it is websites, podcasts, YouTube channels or even Twitter accounts, I am open to any suggestions.
I personally wouldn't recommend being concerned about "biased" vs "unbiased", but rather concern yourself with lies vs truth. What one should be looking for isn't "lack of bias", but rather the "presence of truth". And yes, truth IS very hard to find these days.
I am also curious if any of you have strategies for sifting through news and figuring out what is reliable versus what’s just sensationalized. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Sure. My main strategy is to toss aside any and all habitual liars. For instance, CBS is known to deceptively edit their content so that their viewers do not get the full story (e.g. 60 Minutes interviews edited in 2024 to make Harris look better and in 2020 to make Trump look worse), (Face The Nation just recently deceptively edited their interview with the House Speaker in order to remove content that he brought up that they didn't want their viewers to see). Thus, anything on CBS is a "no-go" for me because their agenda is very clearly to defend the interests of the corrupt deep state instead of defending the interests of truth seekers. I have found that NBC (& MSNBC), CNN, ABC, FOX, PBS, Politico, Newsweek, and MANY others are likewise state-interest-defending habitual liars.

Regarding any topic, I also make sure to look at an/the authoritative source and not at a second-hand source. For instance, if there is a claim made about what The Bible says, then I go to The Bible itself (and not to what some other person claims that The Bible says).

For "current events" political commentary (if you really wish to get into the "deep weeds" of political corruption), I would recommend reading the posts made on The Conservative Treehouse. That "just a blogger" always brings receipts and he often refers back to prior articles in which he's written extensively about the subject matter in the current post. He also sometimes travels to destinations to get a "first hand account" of what's actually happening "on the ground".

While everyone will "get it wrong" from time to time, this guy is an honest/good dude, always thoroughly and extensively searching for the truth.
Thanks in advance for your help. Looking forward to seeing what everyone suggests.

Best Regards,
Glad to help!
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I tend to go for "legacy" media, media that has been around and accepted as a good source of news for decades and decades. But more importantly when I'm looking for REAL information (not just entertainment and manufactured outrage) I tend to go for the more "boring" outlets like PBS, NPR and back in tha day The CS Monitor. All solid sources of information.

Probably 20 years ago I would have included CNN in that list but CNN has become such a shitshow with the non-stop talking heads blathering about bs and the severe bias they show. And it's even a bias I like...but I don't want it from my news sources.
BAD advice... "legacy" media are the state-controlled liars. One will NOT find the truth present there.
I miss the days of when "Texas Straight Talk" was an active blog of Ron Paul

he would honestly and accurate point out when the GOP was fat or the dems were ugly
My mind is used throughout the day.

By whom, researchers in a lab somewhere who have it pickled in a jar?
The fact that you cannot see that most of my comments are reasonable and intelligent is your problem...not mine.

Everyone can see that most of your comments are unreasonable and unintelligible.
ANYONE still supporting Trump is a traitor to America. It is impossible that his many defects are invisible to you...and it is impossible to see that damn near anyone on the other side would make a better president than he.

Trump didn't let 10 to 20 million foreign invaders flood into the US. Trump didn't want a "Disinformation board" to monitor your speech. As for "...damn near anyone..." that would exclude Harris.