Looks like CPR is yet another media hoax. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THEY SAY.

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
The american press lies about everything.


march 26 2022 CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation as it's formally known, is brutal and undignified.

It's given when the heart stops – so in effect the patient has died – in the hope that it will bring them back to life. But it almost never works, because it is generally carried out on patients who are the sickest and the most frail in the hospital.

Their clothes are pulled off so the crash team can get paddles on their chest, and there are medical staff everywhere.

Some are feeling for a pulse, others are cleaning up blood and vomit. It is noisy. Someone is shouting out the number of chest compressions, doctors grunt as they press down. Rib fractures are incredibly common because of the force needed to start the heart – you can hear the bones break.

If a patient's heart does start beating, they may be left with bruised or bleeding lungs. And damage to the brain and kidneys is not uncommon – because of the time spent without the heart pumping blood around the body.

In 80 per cent of cases where CPR is successful, the patient never leaves hospital.
I remember about 20 years ago we had a real dick who wouldn’t certify anyone without doing all the b.s. 100% perfect just to be sure we were all in there the whole day.
I asked him to show us once again how to do it correctly which he couldn’t without the book in front of him.
I pointed out about three “mistakes “ he made.
I half jokingly suggested he be decertified.