Looks like 'Da Vinci Code' is not plagiarized...


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Court Says `Da Vinci Code' Not a Copy
8:15 AM EST March 28, 2007
The Associated Press
Britain's Court of Appeal rejected a lawsuit Wednesday from two authors who claimed novelist Dan Brown stole their ideas for his blockbuster novel "The Da Vinci Code."

Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh had sued Brown's publisher, Random House Inc., claiming he copied from their 1982 nonfiction book "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail."

Both books deal with the theory that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child, and that the bloodline continues.

More at link.
I'm reading The Da Vinci Code right now.

Good novel. Fun to read and look up information that Dan Brown gives. It has not affected my faith though.

I'm reading The Da Vinci Code right now.

Good novel. Fun to read and look up information that Dan Brown gives. It has not affected my faith though.

I don't see how it could. The Church gets all weird over silly things.
The church made a big deal about nothing as far as I am concerned. In fact, they drew more attention to the novel (I wonder if this was the plan, surely it helped book sales) than it ever would have received.

Yes, it paints a sinister picture of the Church. Most Christians understand that there has been corruption in the church from way back. They only need to think a moment about the Spanish Inquisition and ask themselves how a Christian could possibly sanction it before they realize that the Church is not perfect.

The book has been an interesting read, I'm about half way through it. It has made me want to go to The Louvre and Paris to see the things he has described.

As for the "controversial" issues, closing a blind eye to them does not make them go away. Learning about them, weighing them against one's beliefs and making an informed decision about them is better than pretending they do not exist.


For instance, the book speaks of Jesus being married to Mary Magdelene. I have to ask myself as I laugh, would it make any difference if Jesus was married and/or had children? If so, why?

Jesus is the sinless Son of God. Is marriage a sin? Is sex a sin? Is having children a sin? So since I would answer no to these questions, I have to ask, so what? Then, if I really cared, I would have to ask what in the other gospels are being hidden and by whom? Maybe a new look at them is required.

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I'm reading The Da Vinci Code right now.

Good novel. Fun to read and look up information that Dan Brown gives. It has not affected my faith though.



I read it, too, and I found it to be quite boring and absurd. Furthermore, what Dan Brown wrote in that book is what he believes. He has an agenda. If you ask Americans who have read the Da Vinci Code think about Christ, most of them will reply that Dan Brown's claims are true. The book is ruining the faith of millions.

The reverend Ian Brown has produced an excellent tract and written a book on the subject of the Da Vinci Code. I recommend you read it, once you are finished with Brown's book.

I read it, too, and I found it to be quite boring and absurd. Furthermore, what Dan Brown wrote in that book is what he believes. He has an agenda. If you ask Americans who have read the Da Vinci Code think about Christ, most of them will reply that Dan Brown's claims are true. The book is ruining the faith of millions.

The reverend Ian Brown has produced an excellent tract and written a book on the subject of the Da Vinci Code. I recommend you read it, once you are finished with Brown's book.

Actually, I am going to be looking for something like that book when I am done.

I'm reading it as a novel not as "truth". I understand that there are "theories" out there that Dan Brown wrote about and people who believe that what he wrote is gospel so to speak. He is NOT a prophet. I could care less what he actually believes, but I am not afraid to give him a chance to tell me what he believes. Ignoring what he has to say is foolish. One can not discuss the opponent's arguments if one is not willing to understand them.

It is an interesting read and if you read it through as a novel rather than in an attempt to pick it a part, you might just enjoy the book. Granted it does not paint a very good picture of the Church, but would you complain if it were written about the beliefs of Islam? I highly doubt it.

One more thing,

You said, "The book is ruining the faith of millions". Can you back that up? Do you personally know any Christians who has denied Christ after reading the book or seeing the movie? Do you know of anyone who has done this?


Court Says `Da Vinci Code' Not a Copy
8:15 AM EST March 28, 2007
The Associated Press
Britain's Court of Appeal rejected a lawsuit Wednesday from two authors who claimed novelist Dan Brown stole their ideas for his blockbuster novel "The Da Vinci Code."

Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh had sued Brown's publisher, Random House Inc., claiming he copied from their 1982 nonfiction book "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail."

Both books deal with the theory that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child, and that the bloodline continues.

More at link.

It was a shitty formulaic novel that's been written and re-written at least a million times, in any case. All with its standard plot devices and stuff, like the "OMG! I COULDN'T SEE THAT COMING!" plot twist, and the daredevil scientist meets up with a sexy women cliche. I think I would puke if I had written such a novel.

The Great Gatsby sold 5 million copies in 70 years... The Da Vinci Code sold 40 million in 1. Somewhere in the world, a real writer is crying.
One more thing,

You said, "The book is ruining the faith of millions". Can you back that up? Do you personally know any Christians who has denied Christ after reading the book or seeing the movie? Do you know of anyone who has done this?


I know there was a poll conducted, amongst Americans who read the book, and millions of people think the claims are true. Gather from this what you will.

Ignoring what he has to say is foolish. One can not discuss the opponent's arguments if one is not willing to understand them.

Well, I cannot disagree with that...
I know there was a poll conducted, amongst Americans who read the book, and millions of people think the claims are true. Gather from this what you will.


I suppose millions of Americans think Hillary Clinton would make a good President. Gather from this what you will. ;)

And I know of at least one American who cares for all who thinks Ted Kennedy would make a great President. Gather from that what you will. :)

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If the book is advancing lies, which it is, then it is causing harm. It does not really matter whether it is destroying the faith of actual Christians. As a believer in Perseverance of the Saints (which I am guessing you believe in as well), I believe every true Christian will endure to the end.

And I know of at least one American who cares for all who thinks Ted Kennedy would make a great President. Gather from that what you will. :)


If the book is advancing lies, which it is, then it is causing harm. It does not really matter whether it is destroying the faith of actual Christians. As a believer in Perseverance of the Saints (which I am guessing you believe in as well), I believe every true Christian will endure to the end.

Well, continuing this discussion would get into a philosophical discussion about who does what (Law or Gospel) that I don't have time to engage in at the moment.

Let me ask though, is there anything... ANYTHING we can do to effect our salvation or is it ALL up to God? Meaning do we choose God or does God choose us? Does my declaration of belief in Jesus Christ as my savior make me a Christian or do I declare such because God has chosen me?

The surveys showed that many believed that the could be true but that it would change their faith not one iota if it was.

So, you read your own interpretation into those surveys...
Let me ask though, is there anything... ANYTHING we can do to effect our salvation or is it ALL up to God?

I know that Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our Faith. Romans 8:30 says, "whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." I do not believe Jesus will leave a work uncompleted.

Meaning do we choose God or does God choose us?

I would say both. God calls, and we choose Him in response. This is Irresistible Grace. He does not force us to be saved, but rather, presents His Grace in such a way that our senses cannot resist it.

Does my declaration of belief in Jesus Christ as my savior make me a Christian or do I declare such because God has chosen me?

The latter. Many will declare, but few are sincere.

Question Authority

Doesn't the Bible say otherwise?
I know there was a poll conducted, amongst Americans who read the book, and millions of people think the claims are true. Gather from this what you will.

Well, I cannot disagree with that...

I do not disagree with it on philsophical grounds. What they say is mostly right. I disagree with it on ARTISTIC grounds, as the fact that such a book sold 40 fucking million copies is a sign of how much our modern culture has gone downhill.
I know that Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our Faith. Romans 8:30 says, "whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." I do not believe Jesus will leave a work uncompleted.

I would say both. God calls, and we choose Him in response. This is Irresistible Grace. He does not force us to be saved, but rather, presents His Grace in such a way that our senses cannot resist it.

The latter. Many will declare, but few are sincere.

Doesn't the Bible say otherwise?

We should not question authority Brent? I think what the bible said was mostly do not sacrifice yourself pointlessly for things no one can change. But to accept authority, whenever it is wrong, is a sin in itself.
Why do people believe that 13th Century English is more "holy"? I have never understood this fascination with the King James Version.