Looks like tRump lied about Covid reserves.

you are a moron


If you are healthy and want to inject yourself with covid (which is what the vaccine does) when the makers admit that they have no idea what the long term effects are then knock yourself out. There's already been a bunch of cases of facial paralysis from it, which they did actually discover during testing but due to political pressure they got the go ahead anyways.

Doesn't sound like I'm the moron here lol
Even your crappy source doesn't say he lied.

Wow, you guys just make up shit as you go along don't ya?

Don't even care if people no you are lying you just gotta feed your hate.

Do you mean lies like months of perpetuation total BULLSHIT lies about non existant voter fraud? Those types of lies? The lies like those that incite riots? A tRumpanzee is the LAST person that needs to mention lying in any context. You idiots survive on them. Without tRump lies, you are forced to accept reality. Something that you obviously cannot do.