Looks like Trump was right again, he won the popular vote too


Let's go Brandon!
...a study in 2014 in the online Electoral Studies Journal made a quite similar claim: In the 2008 and 2010 elections, they said, as many as 2.8 million illegal noncitizen votes were cast, "enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes and congressional elections," said the study, authored by Jesse T. Richman and Gushan A. Chattha, both of Old Dominion University, and David C. Earnest of George Mason University.

The bombshell was this: "Noncitizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress."

It got little coverage in the mainstream media, and what coverage it did get was almost entirely dismissive.

Now comes a new study by Just Facts, a libertarian/conservative think tank, that used data from a large Harvard/You.Gov study that every two years samples tens of thousands of voters, including some who admit they are noncitizens and thus can't vote legally.

The findings are eye-opening. In 2008, as many as 5.7 million noncitizens voted in the election. In 2012, as many as 3.6 million voted, the study said.

In 2016, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there were 21.0 million adult noncitizens in the U.S., up from 19.4 million in 2008. It is therefore highly likely that millions of noncitizens cast votes in 2016.

And it was no accident. Democrats had extensive get-out-the-vote campaigns in areas heavily populated by illegal aliens. As far back as 2008, Obama made sure that those who wanted to vote knew it was safe, announcing that election records would not be cross-checked with immigration databases.

'Rats cheated again.
You really should consider grazing at silly sites lower in brain fattening drivel. Then, you might want to seek help for the intellectual bulimia that has you proudly regurgitating what those with no respect for your intelligence tell you to think.

Your fail is:
ad hominem
You attacked your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.
We are having the same debate in this country about postal votes and students being able to vote twice. I believe that the case for ID to be presented at the polling station is unanswerable.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

That's why the 'rats are fighting that issue so hard.
we could require fingerprints to vote but lib'ruls would just complain that its discriminatory because poor people can't afford fingers......
The Mangy Mongoose is pretty good at that, he has a history of it. He is a retired teacher, maybe it time for some decent Dunlops instead of cheap retreads!

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That's the first post of his that I read. Soon to join Bukkkie, Dome, Desh...
US is controlled by a terror force - the FBI. They control the election office and media. That's why a proved unqualified candidate could bebecome president.

The election doesn't depend on votes, it depends on people who counter the votes.You will never have a fair election unless you have a transparent system.
We are having the same debate in this country about postal votes and students being able to vote twice. I believe that the case for ID to be presented at the polling station is unanswerable.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk

So far there is no evidence that "fraudulent" votes amount to as much as .00001% of votes cast. Great way to blow several hundred millions of bucks to prevent. It does make sense if your primary motive is political and your aim is to suppress rather than expand legitimate voters. Voter fraud at the ballot level is difficult, expensive, inefficient and illegal. Maybe that is why there is so damn little of it.
The Mangy Mongoose is pretty good at that, he has a history of it. He is a retired teacher, maybe it time for some decent Dunlops instead of cheap retreads!
Wow, I didn't know that. That explains a lot!

"He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches."
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So far there is no evidence that "fraudulent" votes amount to as much as .00001% of votes cast. Great way to blow several hundred millions of bucks to prevent. It does make sense if your primary motive is political and your aim is to suppress rather than expand legitimate voters. Voter fraud at the ballot level is difficult, expensive, inefficient and illegal. Maybe that is why there is so damn little of it.

So then you can have no objection to a dispassionate non partisan investigation into whether that is in fact true.

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