looks liken the turning point has come in America

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
No more is it the white christian male the default entitled position not to be questioned and challenged

In the past it was swept under the rug , or the accusers were beaten down , this has been the MO of the white christian power stricture. But no more, as women and minorities know that those times is coming to an end

An evil wind blows across the ridge today
Out here in the hinterland
Greed is the creed, want confused with need
Trinkets the measure of a man
Thy brother is thine enemy
The prophets stoke the fire

People prepare yourselves
There will come a reckoning
This house of cards is about to fall
There shall come a reckoning

The powerful have overrun the temple
Peasants labor in the field
Servants tend the money changers high up in the castle
While the wretched battle for a meal
Warriors plunder distant kingdoms
Our young are offered to the fire

Yes people best prepare yourselves
There will come a reckoning
This house of cards unsustainable shall fall
There must come a reckoning

Riders approach from over the horizon
I cannot make out friend or foe
There was a time I recall when I was younger
Was not so difficult to know
No more is it the white christian male the default entitled position not to be questioned and challenged

In the past it was swept under the rug , or the accusers were beaten down , this has been the MO of the white christian power stricture. But no more, as women and minorities know that those times is coming to an end

Time to put another Racist on ignore.
No more is it the white christian male the default entitled position not to be questioned and challenged

In the past it was swept under the rug , or the accusers were beaten down , this has been the MO of the white christian power stricture. But no more, as women and minorities know that those times is coming to an end

:lolup:Race hustling moron thinks black atheist men treat women superbly. This is your brain on moron; don't be one. :rofl2: