Loss, fear and rage: white men rebelling against democracy

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
In the aftermath of David DePape’s attempt to kidnap U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his hammer assault on her husband, Paul, analysts pored over the suspect’s online postings, looking for motivation among a toxic stew of grievance. Some connected him to the spirit of the January 6 right-wing mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol. Many seemed to see him as just another inexplicable flashpoint in the explosive politics of our time.

The attack arguably fits a broader pattern, though, one that extends from Donald Trump’s use of the “birther” conspiracy to delegitimize Barack Obama, the nation’s first Black president, to the torchlight parade of young neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., and from the Supreme Court decisions this year that expanded gun rights and rescinded abortion rights to the venomous narratives spun by some hard-right candidates in this fall’s election campaigns.

After decades of economic, political and cultural change, a makeshift force of white men is rebelling against democracy.

“The way certain developments in the economy, in politics and in the social world have gone in the last 40 years has led to working-class white men … feeling like their authority has been undermined,” said sociologist Raka Ray, dean of social sciences at UC Berkeley. “When you get strong feelings of anger and despair in a group or a population, that can turn very quickly into giving encouragement to the politics of resentment or the politics of revenge.”

When men are irredeemably bad. Those under 30 have been told this constantly from the time they were little boys to make sure that they stay in their place.....silent and behind.
In the aftermath of David DePape’s attempt to kidnap U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his hammer assault on her husband, Paul, analysts pored over the suspect’s online postings, looking for motivation among a toxic stew of grievance. Some connected him to the spirit of the January 6 right-wing mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol. Many seemed to see him as just another inexplicable flashpoint in the explosive politics of our time.

The attack arguably fits a broader pattern, though, one that extends from Donald Trump’s use of the “birther” conspiracy to delegitimize Barack Obama, the nation’s first Black president, to the torchlight parade of young neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., and from the Supreme Court decisions this year that expanded gun rights and rescinded abortion rights to the venomous narratives spun by some hard-right candidates in this fall’s election campaigns.

After decades of economic, political and cultural change, a makeshift force of white men is rebelling against democracy.

“The way certain developments in the economy, in politics and in the social world have gone in the last 40 years has led to working-class white men … feeling like their authority has been undermined,” said sociologist Raka Ray, dean of social sciences at UC Berkeley. “When you get strong feelings of anger and despair in a group or a population, that can turn very quickly into giving encouragement to the politics of resentment or the politics of revenge.”


Specifically old, white, uneducated Christian men. I’ve never seen a more entitled group of whiny babies.
In the aftermath of David DePape’s attempt to kidnap U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his hammer assault on her husband, Paul, analysts pored over the suspect’s online postings, looking for motivation among a toxic stew of grievance. Some connected him to the spirit of the January 6 right-wing mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol. Many seemed to see him as just another inexplicable flashpoint in the explosive politics of our time.

The attack arguably fits a broader pattern, though, one that extends from Donald Trump’s use of the “birther” conspiracy to delegitimize Barack Obama, the nation’s first Black president, to the torchlight parade of young neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., and from the Supreme Court decisions this year that expanded gun rights and rescinded abortion rights to the venomous narratives spun by some hard-right candidates in this fall’s election campaigns.

After decades of economic, political and cultural change, a makeshift force of white men is rebelling against democracy.

“The way certain developments in the economy, in politics and in the social world have gone in the last 40 years has led to working-class white men … feeling like their authority has been undermined,” said sociologist Raka Ray, dean of social sciences at UC Berkeley. “When you get strong feelings of anger and despair in a group or a population, that can turn very quickly into giving encouragement to the politics of resentment or the politics of revenge.”


fuck off, racist troll.
Specifically old, white, uneducated Christian men. I’ve never seen a more entitled group of whiny babies.

phd = pile it higher and deeper.

the educated are often the most compliant in the face of dumb ideas, like sending all the jobs away based on globalist fanaticism.
After decades of economic, political and cultural change, a makeshift force of white men is rebelling against democracy.

The Founders rejected the "democracy" model, dumbass. We are a constitutional republic.
Don't forget you can have a penis and be a woman.

No you can't, but your sexual perversions are your business, Yak. All I ask is that it be kept between consenting adults. How many and with whom is up to you.
In the aftermath of David DePape’s attempt to kidnap U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his hammer assault on her husband, Paul, analysts pored over the suspect’s online postings, looking for motivation among a toxic stew of grievance. Some connected him to the spirit of the January 6 right-wing mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol. Many seemed to see him as just another inexplicable flashpoint in the explosive politics of our time.

The attack arguably fits a broader pattern, though, one that extends from Donald Trump’s use of the “birther” conspiracy to delegitimize Barack Obama, the nation’s first Black president, to the torchlight parade of young neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va., and from the Supreme Court decisions this year that expanded gun rights and rescinded abortion rights to the venomous narratives spun by some hard-right candidates in this fall’s election campaigns.

After decades of economic, political and cultural change, a makeshift force of white men is rebelling against democracy.

“The way certain developments in the economy, in politics and in the social world have gone in the last 40 years has led to working-class white men … feeling like their authority has been undermined,” said sociologist Raka Ray, dean of social sciences at UC Berkeley. “When you get strong feelings of anger and despair in a group or a population, that can turn very quickly into giving encouragement to the politics of resentment or the politics of revenge.”


You haven't proven your premise that this fantasy you have about white men is an attack on "democracy". I'd ask you to prove it first but I know you're incapable so it would like asking monkey to fix me a martini.
Specifically old, white, uneducated Christian men. I’ve never seen a more entitled group of whiny babies.

While the JPP demographic is elderly, poorly educated and Euro-American, none of them are more than lip-service Christians since their actions and words do not conform to Christian ideology. Wrapping themselves in a flag and carrying a Bible doesn't make a person a Christian. It's their actions, including a sincere desire for redemption, that make them Christians.

....“The way certain developments in the economy, in politics and in the social world have gone in the last 40 years has led to working-class white men … feeling like their authority has been undermined,” said sociologist Raka Ray, dean of social sciences at UC Berkeley. “When you get strong feelings of anger and despair in a group or a population, that can turn very quickly into giving encouragement to the politics of resentment or the politics of revenge.”


Some of them. While Trumpism is fueled by such feelings, it's only a very small percentage that advocate and support violence. The JPP White Supremacists are all Keyboard Kommandos. They will not risk prison or harm to themselves even though they advocate it for others.

When men are irredeemably bad. Those under 30 have been told this constantly from the time they were little boys to make sure that they stay in their place.....silent and behind.

Rave is irrelevant.

We've got rural white men who are dumber than two stones in a sack. They're all armed with M16s or AK-47s and high on meth,
and from what I understand, they're not averse to fucking livestock.

We've also got urban black men with absurd ebonic names given to them by their fifteen-year-old mothers.
Like the crackers, they also require subtitles when they speak, they're armed with Saturday night specials, and they're high on crack.

Our failure to meet social responsibilities in this nation brought us here, but the MAGA crowd wants even less government and more racial hostility.
Rave is irrelevant.

We've got rural white men who are dumber than two stones in a sack. They're all armed with M16s or AK-47s and high on meth,
and from what I understand, they're not averse to fucking livestock.

We've also got urban black men with absurd ebonic names given to them by their fifteen-year-old mothers.
Like the crackers, they also require subtitles when they speak, they're armed with Saturday night specials, and they're high on crack.

Our failure to meet social responsibilities in this nation brought us here, but the MAGA crowd wants even less government and more racial hostility.

no. we want tariffs, reasonable trade policy, border enforcement, law enforcement, and America First.