Loss Of Freedom Is Paying For A One Government World


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Basically, the Democrat Party’s objective is for every government official in the world feeding on their private sector producers. In short: Wealthy countries must provide jobs for Third World shit holes, while shit holes provide poverty by shipping their dregs to the First World. A one government world can only be achieved when poverty is equal worldwide. A wealthy government class in every country is only possible with a direct tax on income.

NOTE: Every high-ranking government official in the defunct Soviet Union, and in China’s Communist Party today, got rich on the backs of their private sectors, yet their Communist economies fell apart. It was too late for Democrats to save Soviet Union Communism. It is not too late for Democrats to save Communism in China.



The term "new world order" refers to a new period of history evidencing dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power. Despite varied interpretations of this term, it is primarily associated with the ideological notion of world governance only in the sense of new collective efforts to identify, understand, or address global problems that go beyond the capacity of individual nation-states to solve.

The phrase "new world order" or similar language was used in the period toward the end of the First World War in relation to Woodrow Wilson's vision for international peace;[a] Wilson called for a League of Nations to prevent aggression and conflict. The phrase was used to a degree at the end of World War II when describing the plans for the United Nations and the Bretton Woods system partly because of its negative associations with the failed League of Nations. However, many commentators have applied the term retroactively to the order put in place by the World War II victors as a "new world order."

The most widely discussed application of the phrase of recent times came at the end of the Cold War. Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and George H. W. Bush used the term to try to define the nature of the post-Cold War era and the spirit of great power cooperation that they hoped might materialize. Gorbachev's initial formulation was wide-ranging and idealistic, but his ability to press for it was severely limited by the internal crisis of the Soviet system. In comparison, Bush's vision was not less circumscribed: "A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known". However, given the new unipolar status of the United States, Bush's vision was realistic in saying that "there is no substitute for American leadership". The Gulf War of 1991 was regarded as the first test of the new world order: "Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. [...] The Gulf War put this new world to its first test".



The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States (1776). The Latin phrase "novus ordo seclorum", appearing on the reverse side of the Great Seal since 1782 and on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill since 1935, translates to "New Order of the Ages" and alludes to the beginning of an era where the United States of America is an independent nation-state; conspiracy theorists claim this is an allusion to the "New World Order".


NOTE: Hardly an allusion:

A United Nations INTERNATIONAL COALITION in the Gulf War stopped Bush the Elder from going all the way to Bagdad. Had Bush toppled Saddam Hussein in 1990 there would have been no need to invade Iraq after 9-11-2001.

Parenthetically, media mouths applauded Bush the Elder’s Desert Storm because the U.N. was in charge from start to finish. Desert Storm —— like Korea —— was a Peace Without Victory war. Total Victory was secondary. Total defeat in the Vietnam War was primary because the United Nations opposed victory.


China Joe Biden’s administration is not the first federal bureaucracies that worked for the New World Order’s agenda. Technically, government traitors gave their loyalty to the NWO as far back as Woodrow Wilson’s administrations. Government officials and corporations propping up the incomes of government officials in foreign countries was blueprinted in 1910.

The original One Government World crowd conceived of today’s government in 1910. Even in 1910, they knew that giving American industries, and bringing poverty to their own country, had to be paid for with an income tax. In 1913 the wealthiest Americans not only got their Federal Reserve, they also got the 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment. The cost came at the expense of individual liberties.

Outsourcing jobs and entire industries began in earnest after the WWII ended thanks to membership in the United Nation. Joining the United Nations was the biggest act of treason in history. No other traitor, or group of traitors, compares to the form of government the New World Order Crowd implemented in this country. Telling the American that their country is a democracy was a fortuitous afterthought. Any government can brutalize, enslave, and impoverish the people they govern for as long as the governed believe they live in a democracy.

Outsourcing the U.S. Merchant Marine —— and shipbuilding —— was the beginning of outsourcing industries.

NOTE: There used to be private sector shipyards up and down the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, as well as yards in Gulf of Mexico ports. What 50/50 contributed to the decease in American steel production is obvious as any displaced steelworker will tell you. As far as I know, there are no shipyards operating in the United States that build or repair oceangoing merchant ships. The few remaining yards build military vessels. There are still one or two American yards that build smaller commercial vessels like fishing boats, tow boats, barges, etc.

Before WWII there were dozens of American steamship companies. The last time I looked there were only two American companies plying international waters that could actually be called respectable steamship companies; American President Lines and Lykes Lines. (Oil company tanker fleets do not count because tankers are not ships. The two are defined as ships and tankers.)

NOTE: There is not one passenger ship flying the American flag.


The demise of the American merchant fleet can be attributed to the Cargo Preference Act (50/50).

That one law legitimated the greed of steamship owners: cheap labor, inferior food, unsafe working conditions for the crews on monkey flag ships, no medical or pension plans, etc.

During the years the American Merchant Marine was shrinking, the argument that was always used to justify the reduction said that American companies could not compete with cheap foreign labor. The truth is that crew salaries never bankrupted any American steamship company; whereas, mismanagement and political corruption destroyed quite a few. During my career at sea, Japan, Denmark, Canada, and one or two other maritime nations paid their unionized crews higher salaries than American seaman were earning, with more fringe benefits. Those merchant fleets did extremely well.


That Cargo Preference Act came about after the end of WWII. I mistakenly thought Truman signed it, but it was Eisenhower in 1954. No matter. The U.S. was the only country that had anything at the time; so giving away the American Merchant Marine, and the American shipbuilding industry, was considered good touchy-feely policy in addition to a major step toward a global government.

The 50/50 law says that NOT MORE THAN fifty percent of American cargo leaving American ports can go on American bottoms. In other words, the U.S. said that it would give foreign countries fifty percent of America’s oceangoing exports. (50/50 was increased to 75/25 in 1985 with the U.S. on the short end.)

This is what actually happened under 50/50. Financial wizards immediately saw that if they put only one percent of American cargo going foreign on American ships they would not violate the law. Ergo, the race for the lowest percentage of export cargo put on American bottoms began, and down went the American Merchant Marine along with the American shipbuilding industry. That is called treason in every universe except on Wall Street and in the Washington swamp.

The U.S. could have helped war-torn countries in 1954 and still guaranteed a substantial American maritime industry, including shipbuilding, had the law said NOT LESS THAN fifty percent of all cargo going foreign MUST go on American bottoms. Unfortunately for the country, the global villagers were sneaks from day one and would not hear of it.

NOTE: President Wilson’s disciples began lobbying for federal legislation similar to 50/50 thirty years before Eisenhower signed that destructive policy into law.​


WWII ended 74 [76] years ago. The war-torn countries have been rebuilt. So the time has come to rebuild the American merchant fleet with American steel. Then crew those ships with American born seamen. If President Trump and the members of Congress are serious about an economy that works for the American people a revitalized maritime industry is staring them right in the face.


Finally, I am all for trade agreements on a level playing field because they are good for everyone. I am not for giving away American jobs for any reason. Outsourcing jobs should NOT automatically accompany a trade agreement if the people in Washington negotiating trade deals would abandon their global village tendencies once and for all. Naturally, that means grabbing crooks by the scruff of their necks and jerking them out of the public feed tub.​


Everything that is going wrong in this country can be found in the United Nation where filthy would-be priests reign supreme. The tragedy is that dregs everywhere believe that only priests can save the world even if they have to create more poverty for the common good.
China Joe Biden’s administration is not the first federal bureaucracies that worked for the New World Order’s agenda. Technically, government traitors gave their loyalty to the NWO as far back as Woodrow Wilson’s administrations. Government officials and corporations propping up the incomes of government officials in foreign countries was blueprinted in 1910.

The New World Order crowd used to prop up incomes with tax dollars, now they want to prop up a country called Palestine.

February 12, 2012
There Was Never a Country Called Palestine
By Jerrold L. Sobel



The United Nations is determined to give Palestinians a country. Should the New World Order crowd succeed —— the citizens of ‘Palestine’ will continue to receive their welfare checks:

April 08, 2007
Scandal: the welfare state of "Palestine"
By Moshe Dann


NOTE: A nation of Palestine smells a lot like statehood for Washington D.C.

Eventually, the filthy parasite judges in the U.N.’s court ——The Hague ——will create Palestine out of non-existent International Law.

"International law is not law but politics, ... there is no such law, and the pretense that it exists is a harmful fantasy." Robert Bork in:

p.s. Judge Bork’s book jacket should read THE WORLDWIDE RULE OF UNITED NATIONS JUDGES.
Too lengthy to read. I only know I've lost none of my freedom. I guess it pays not to be paranoid.
Loss of freedom from social responsibility is the cost of living in civilization. End of story.

If you wish to swing from trees Tarzan style, free as an ape,
please do so...someplace else.

Reichnuts bemoaning their loss of freedom to act like deplorable assholes absolutely SHOULDN'T
be slithering around freely among civilized people.
Dont forget feminazis intentionally spreading disfunction and thereby creating a job marked for the importation of foreign domestic partners while simultaniously controlling the bottleneck they have to pass through to get in. An i-130 is almost impossible if you're not a corrupt slime bag.
QUESTION: When will Biden fly these flags over every U.S. Embassy and be done with it?


I have another question: Will Biden fly his flags over consulates?

President Trump fulfilled a long-delayed U.S. law and boosted America's commitment to the Middle East's leading democracy, Israel, when he ordered the U.S. embassy moved there.

And while President Biden promised during his campaign he would not "undo" the move, a new report explains how he is undermining it – by opening a "consulate" just down the road from the embassy.


The organization explained consulates are branches of an embassy, and "nowhere in the world does the United States have both an embassy and consulate in the same city."

Biden skewering Trump's affirmation of Israel's capital
By WND News Services
Published June 5, 2021 at 6:01pm


The New World Order crowd used to prop up incomes with tax dollars, now they want to prop up a country called Palestine.

February 12, 2012
There Was Never a Country Called Palestine
By Jerrold L. Sobel



The United Nations is determined to give Palestinians a country. Should the New World Order crowd succeed —— the citizens of ‘Palestine’ will continue to receive their welfare checks:

April 08, 2007
Scandal: the welfare state of "Palestine"
By Moshe Dann


NOTE: A nation of Palestine smells a lot like statehood for Washington D.C.

Eventually, the filthy parasite judges in the U.N.’s court ——The Hague ——will create Palestine out of non-existent International Law.

Mr. deSabla provided an excellent analysis of the downhill slide American economic strength has been traveling since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and the capping of that mistake by the greater mistake of taking the United States off the gold standard. During this episode of Two Mikes, DeSabla very accurately explained that “Governments don’t create anything of value, they don’t turn a profit, they don’t grow capital, and they never have and never will.”

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Winston Churchill

Economic powers are worse than appeasers:

Mr. deSabla believes that China has fully gauged the drastic economic decline of the United States and stands ready –perhaps soon — to take advantage of it by retaking Taiwan. Dr Michael Scheuer explained that, “We created China. We created the monster that’s now eating us. They’ve now won the allegiance of the major economic powers in the United States.”

Tom deSabla: We created China. We created the monster that’s now eating us.
by Two Mikes
July 9, 2021


The nest of traitors in the U.S. Senate began feeding the crocodile in 1945.
communism was invented by royal family fascists. it's always been about crony capitalism.

crony capitalism is not free markets, it's about monopolies and cartels, and government protection of such.
Basically, the Democrat Party’s objective is for every government official in the world feeding on their private sector producers. In short: Wealthy countries must provide jobs for Third World shit holes, while shit holes provide poverty by shipping their dregs to the First World. A one government world can only be achieved when poverty is equal worldwide. A wealthy government class in every country is only possible with a direct tax on income.

NOTE: Every high-ranking government official in the defunct Soviet Union, and in China’s Communist Party today, got rich on the backs of their private sectors, yet their Communist economies fell apart. It was too late for Democrats to save Soviet Union Communism. It is not too late for Democrats to save Communism in China.

The term "new world order" refers to a new period of history evidencing dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power. Despite varied interpretations of this term, it is primarily associated with the ideological notion of world governance only in the sense of new collective efforts to identify, understand, or address global problems that go beyond the capacity of individual nation-states to solve.

The phrase "new world order" or similar language was used in the period toward the end of the First World War in relation to Woodrow Wilson's vision for international peace;[a] Wilson called for a League of Nations to prevent aggression and conflict. The phrase was used to a degree at the end of World War II when describing the plans for the United Nations and the Bretton Woods system partly because of its negative associations with the failed League of Nations. However, many commentators have applied the term retroactively to the order put in place by the World War II victors as a "new world order."

The most widely discussed application of the phrase of recent times came at the end of the Cold War. Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and George H. W. Bush used the term to try to define the nature of the post-Cold War era and the spirit of great power cooperation that they hoped might materialize. Gorbachev's initial formulation was wide-ranging and idealistic, but his ability to press for it was severely limited by the internal crisis of the Soviet system. In comparison, Bush's vision was not less circumscribed: "A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known". However, given the new unipolar status of the United States, Bush's vision was realistic in saying that "there is no substitute for American leadership". The Gulf War of 1991 was regarded as the first test of the new world order: "Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. [...] The Gulf War put this new world to its first test".



The reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States (1776). The Latin phrase "novus ordo seclorum", appearing on the reverse side of the Great Seal since 1782 and on the back of the U.S. one-dollar bill since 1935, translates to "New Order of the Ages" and alludes to the beginning of an era where the United States of America is an independent nation-state; conspiracy theorists claim this is an allusion to the "New World Order".


NOTE: Hardly an allusion:

A United Nations INTERNATIONAL COALITION in the Gulf War stopped Bush the Elder from going all the way to Bagdad. Had Bush toppled Saddam Hussein in 1990 there would have been no need to invade Iraq after 9-11-2001.

Parenthetically, media mouths applauded Bush the Elder’s Desert Storm because the U.N. was in charge from start to finish. Desert Storm —— like Korea —— was a Peace Without Victory war. Total Victory was secondary. Total defeat in the Vietnam War was primary because the United Nations opposed victory.


China Joe Biden’s administration is not the first federal bureaucracies that worked for the New World Order’s agenda. Technically, government traitors gave their loyalty to the NWO as far back as Woodrow Wilson’s administrations. Government officials and corporations propping up the incomes of government officials in foreign countries was blueprinted in 1910.

The original One Government World crowd conceived of today’s government in 1910. Even in 1910, they knew that giving American industries, and bringing poverty to their own country, had to be paid for with an income tax. In 1913 the wealthiest Americans not only got their Federal Reserve, they also got the 16[SUP]th[/SUP] Amendment. The cost came at the expense of individual liberties.

Outsourcing jobs and entire industries began in earnest after the WWII ended thanks to membership in the United Nation. Joining the United Nations was the biggest act of treason in history. No other traitor, or group of traitors, compares to the form of government the New World Order Crowd implemented in this country. Telling the American that their country is a democracy was a fortuitous afterthought. Any government can brutalize, enslave, and impoverish the people they govern for as long as the governed believe they live in a democracy.

Outsourcing the U.S. Merchant Marine —— and shipbuilding —— was the beginning of outsourcing industries.

NOTE: There used to be private sector shipyards up and down the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, as well as yards in Gulf of Mexico ports. What 50/50 contributed to the decease in American steel production is obvious as any displaced steelworker will tell you. As far as I know, there are no shipyards operating in the United States that build or repair oceangoing merchant ships. The few remaining yards build military vessels. There are still one or two American yards that build smaller commercial vessels like fishing boats, tow boats, barges, etc.

Before WWII there were dozens of American steamship companies. The last time I looked there were only two American companies plying international waters that could actually be called respectable steamship companies; American President Lines and Lykes Lines. (Oil company tanker fleets do not count because tankers are not ships. The two are defined as ships and tankers.)

NOTE: There is not one passenger ship flying the American flag.


The demise of the American merchant fleet can be attributed to the Cargo Preference Act (50/50).

That one law legitimated the greed of steamship owners: cheap labor, inferior food, unsafe working conditions for the crews on monkey flag ships, no medical or pension plans, etc.

During the years the American Merchant Marine was shrinking, the argument that was always used to justify the reduction said that American companies could not compete with cheap foreign labor. The truth is that crew salaries never bankrupted any American steamship company; whereas, mismanagement and political corruption destroyed quite a few. During my career at sea, Japan, Denmark, Canada, and one or two other maritime nations paid their unionized crews higher salaries than American seaman were earning, with more fringe benefits. Those merchant fleets did extremely well.


That Cargo Preference Act came about after the end of WWII. I mistakenly thought Truman signed it, but it was Eisenhower in 1954. No matter. The U.S. was the only country that had anything at the time; so giving away the American Merchant Marine, and the American shipbuilding industry, was considered good touchy-feely policy in addition to a major step toward a global government.

The 50/50 law says that NOT MORE THAN fifty percent of American cargo leaving American ports can go on American bottoms. In other words, the U.S. said that it would give foreign countries fifty percent of America’s oceangoing exports. (50/50 was increased to 75/25 in 1985 with the U.S. on the short end.)

This is what actually happened under 50/50. Financial wizards immediately saw that if they put only one percent of American cargo going foreign on American ships they would not violate the law. Ergo, the race for the lowest percentage of export cargo put on American bottoms began, and down went the American Merchant Marine along with the American shipbuilding industry. That is called treason in every universe except on Wall Street and in the Washington swamp.

The U.S. could have helped war-torn countries in 1954 and still guaranteed a substantial American maritime industry, including shipbuilding, had the law said NOT LESS THAN fifty percent of all cargo going foreign MUST go on American bottoms. Unfortunately for the country, the global villagers were sneaks from day one and would not hear of it.

NOTE: President Wilson’s disciples began lobbying for federal legislation similar to 50/50 thirty years before Eisenhower signed that destructive policy into law.​


WWII ended 74 [76] years ago. The war-torn countries have been rebuilt. So the time has come to rebuild the American merchant fleet with American steel. Then crew those ships with American born seamen. If President Trump and the members of Congress are serious about an economy that works for the American people a revitalized maritime industry is staring them right in the face.


Finally, I am all for trade agreements on a level playing field because they are good for everyone. I am not for giving away American jobs for any reason. Outsourcing jobs should NOT automatically accompany a trade agreement if the people in Washington negotiating trade deals would abandon their global village tendencies once and for all. Naturally, that means grabbing crooks by the scruff of their necks and jerking them out of the public feed tub.​


Everything that is going wrong in this country can be found in the United Nation where filthy would-be priests reign supreme. The tragedy is that dregs everywhere believe that only priests can save the world even if they have to create more poverty for the common good.

The MAGA-lican's fascism is lot of freedom.