Lost Fans


JPP Modarater
I'm so sick of that show. What the he|| are they doing? I actually find it painful to watch now. I started falling asleep and had to turn it off in the middle of last nights episode. I enjoyed South Park reruns more than a new episode of Lost. I think I'm officially done. Anyone else getting pissed off that nothing seems to happen from episode to episode. I really don't care about their back stories. They should save themselves the money and time and just stick to the island stories. Lord knows they have enough open plots they can tie up.
Great premise, the writers are getting way too cocky in my opinion. They think people will watch it no matter how much they drag it out and go on tangents. All the show does is leave a ton of storylines open while they don't conclude anything. Quickly becoming a terrible show.
Well when it was firsat advertised it appeared to me from the advertisements to be another reality show, and I watch none of those.
Wow, I was thinking of starting my own rant on Lost.
I'm also getting annoyed, especially with all the growing mysteries. It's like each episode, you figure out one thing (if you're lucky) and they introduce at least 2 more things that make you wonder.

I think the writers really have no clue about the long term, like the others make a huge effort to get 4 specific people, then release one, then 2 get stuck breaking rocks, it's just retarded.

Also they killed off too many people last year, and where did Michael and his son end up? I also hate all this spiritual nonsense where some people are able to just know things without any reason.

Ok I think that's it, I'm still gonna watch, I have no cable so less choice.
On the bright side, that new show 1 vs. 100 kicks ass, I kinda missed Bob Saget. But I found out from Wikipedia that Saget is a fraud, his family guy act is totally fake, in reality his stand-up routine is incredibly raunchy. Shocking.
Lost is horrible its just designed to keep the mystery going week after week and all the revelations are weak and just add to more stupid questions. i quit watching last year.

The best shows now are:

1. Dexter (Showtime)
2. The Office
3. Heroes

BF -
Great list and I agree on all of them. I LOVE DEXTER! I was telling someone that's the greatest new show on TV! That guy is one sick fvck and I love it! Although you have to wonder about the writers.

Dano - I concur. They literaly bring like 5 new mysteries into a show without resolving ANYTHING. So annoying. I liked Ana Lucia too (surprisingly not a lot of men like her). I was pretty pissed when they killed her off and Libby. Remember when they showed libby in one of Hurley's memories? What the hell happened to that storyline? Well, fortunately, I have cable. I'll rely on water cooler talk for my Lost info.
Dexter is awesome Dano. It is about this guy. He is a forensics investigatior for Miami PD. He is also a serial killer. He only kills people that deserve it though. Murderers and stuff.

He doesn't kill them for vigilante reasons though. He kills them because he is a sick serial killer. He kills them serial killer style and everything. He has an uncontrollable urge to kill and torture but he tries to control it by killing only bad people. It's pretty awesome.

I don't have Showtime I just download them off the internet. HBO has sucked lately so I think I might switch from that to HBO.
Much of the show is about his personal relationships though because he is incapable of emotion and normal human feelings so he fakes everything.
Much of the show is about his personal relationships though because he is incapable of emotion and normal human feelings so he fakes everything.

Yeah, he even hates the luvin' ;)
I didn't know you could download the episodes. That show is great though.
You can download anything but I'll probably just switch from HBO to showtime. I don't even watch HBO anymore since entourage and the mormon show is over.
HBO has really fell off the map lately. Although I love Curb Your Enthusiam, the mormon show in reality, is Okay. The subject matter is what makes it interesting. Rome, I watched just to watch it and there really isn't anything else I like on there. I'm still pissed they got rid of Carnivale.
what's the mormon show?

HBO I like, real time with bill maher, curb, oz reruns (on demand), haven't seen much of entourage but what I have seen I have liked, Rome is GREAT in my opinion.... I still like hbo a lot, but dexter sounds like something I should definately check out.
Also regarding lost, I never watched it for this specific reason, too many loose ends, it's a dumb concept.

It's the recent trend, 24, prison break, etc . .. having shows with a continuous story line rather than segmented episodes.

Now prison break is in season 2 and they are out of prison . .

24 I know a lot of people like and i am not knocking it, just point out the trend.
Rome was great, 6 feet under was great, curb was great, deadwood is pimp, but there's nothing on HBO right now that's very good. Their tv season is over.
The difference with 24 is that it is all wrapped up in 1 season. Then the next year is a totally different plotline. 24 is one of my faves. I just don't like it when they drag it on year to year.

Oh I'm a geek for Battlestar Galactica too.