lost parrot tells vet his name and address

I saw this earlier today. Pretty cool! It's interesting that the parrot wouldn't say anything to the police, but "opened up" and started reciting his info to the vet. Seriously, he had time to relax at the vet's and then did what came naturally.

One vet here in town has a parrot in the waiting room. It entertains people waiting by whistling the theme from the Andy Griffith Show.
I saw this earlier today. Pretty cool! It's interesting that the parrot wouldn't say anything to the police, but "opened up" and started reciting his info to the vet. Seriously, he had time to relax at the vet's and then did what came naturally.

One vet here in town has a parrot in the waiting room. It entertains people waiting by whistling the theme from the Andy Griffith Show.

Must have been my parrot. I always teach it not to talk to cops and never to snitch.