Lott Is Still A Lot Of Crap


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Let us all pray that McConnell is not taking advice from this guy:



By contrast, Tom Daschle, the Democratic minority leader of the Senate when Mr. Clinton was impeached, and Trent Lott, the Republican leader, issued a joint statement after the House approved impeachment articles, promising a fair and impartial trial. They worked closely together throughout, Mr. Lott said in an interview on Friday.

“One thing I knew from the get-go was we were not going to remove Bill Clinton,” he said, “so the challenge is to have a process that everybody felt was fair.”

Mr. Lott said he studiously avoided commenting on the articles of impeachment, and pushed back on pressure from his rank-and-file to have Ms. Lewinsky and other witnesses testify in the well of the Senate; he believed it would “demean” the proceedings. Instead, they gave videotaped depositions.

“I wanted to set it up with the proper decorum and seriousness and, as much as possible bipartisanship,” Mr. Lott said, “so that when we did get to the end, the Republicans who hated Bill Clinton would say, ‘Well, we didn’t remove him, but we did our job.’ ”

McConnell, Coordinating With White House, Lays Plans for Impeachment Trial
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg
Dec. 13, 2019


The entire country knew the degenerate was not going to be removed because the numbers favored Clinton from the start.

The major difference in the Left’s attack’s on Trump is that Schiff does not have a REPUBLICAN Trent Lott rigging the trial.

The media deserves the blame for creating the Clintons, but if you are looking for one individual to blame for Clinton getting off easy go no further then-Senator Trent Lott.

Lott also sold out House Republicans during last year’s trial of President Clinton. “You’re not going to dump this garbage on us,” Lott told GOP impeachment managers, House Judiciary investigative counsel David Schippers reports. Lott gave Democrats everything they wanted: a brief inquiry with no live witnesses and boxes of evidence kept secret. How bipartisan.


Trent Lott did not want the House dumping garbage on the Senate, but he had no qualms about the Clintons dumping their garbage on the American people.

Clinton was not going to be removed because a two-thirds majority was needed to convict. The Senate was split 50-50; so Trent Lott used his authority to make sure the public never heard Republicans ask witnesses penetrating questions that would expose Hillary’s collusion in Bill’s sexual activities, not to mention covering up his crimes.


Not one Democrat voted Bill Clinton guilty on either charge, but how many people remember that Republican Trent Lott deserved much of the blame for everything the Clintons did in the years after the impeachment trial? Should Bubba and Hillary skate on all of their Clinton Foundation crimes you can lay that on Trent Lott’s double-cross, too.

It was Trent Lott that made Hillary Clinton possible. Had the public known the full truth about Bill & Hillary in 2000 it is highly unlikely Hillary would have become a U.S. Senator, and eventually secretary of state.


Even today, keeping Hillary Clinton out of jail is an ongoing conspiracy that is driving Trump’s impeachment. Basically, Pelosi promised to stop the impeachment trial if Trump’s DoJ stops investigating Hillary Clinton.

Finally, I doubt if the public will ever learn the depth of Hillary’s criminality or depravity.
Lott is a pussy.

To Teflon Don: "Pussy" is much too generous. There is no word that defines Lott for inflicting the Clintons on the country after the Senate trial ended.

It was Trent Lott that made Hillary Clinton possible. Had the public known the full truth about Bill & Hillary in 2000 it is highly unlikely Hillary would have become a U.S. Senator, and eventually secretary of state.​

Even today, keeping Hillary Clinton out of jail is an ongoing conspiracy that is driving Trump’s impeachment.

. . . every bit of this frame-up job to hang the American president for being a Russian agent and traitor to his nation began as a way to inoculate Hillary Clinton from her largest political vulnerabilities going into the 2016 campaign.


Three years of Russian hysteria happened only because of the deep corruption of Hillary Clinton.

December 17, 2019
Our Russia Collusion Nightmare: All Hillary's Fault?
By J.B. Shurk


Never let a good coverup go to waste.

You better believe that Hillary is not going to waste years of coverups on her behalf. Stealing the 2020 election is Hillary’s chance to payoff the liars, the crooks, the traitors, and television mouths as well as stay out of jail. Teachers’ unions will provide foot soldiers in enough polling stations necessary to steal the Electoral College this time. The details required to organize illegal alien voters, rig voting machines, and give Donald Trump a short count is well into the planning stage.

Finally, there are a lot more sharpshooters with their hands out knowing that Hillary Clinton is not a lock in 2020. Reality means that Hillary Clinton will need a lot more money when she announces next year than she needed in 2016:


Hillary Clinton at the American Federation of Teachers Union on July 13, 2018 (Video screenshot)

If Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is the party's perpetual gaffe machine, is Hillary Clinton its scandal machine?

The latest is that she did not inform the State Department of a $1 million donation from Qatar while she was secretary of state.

Reuters reported the Clinton Foundation confirmed receiving the gift.

It was taken "without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments," the report said.

Clinton had signed an ethics agreement for the family's foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009.

The objective was to heighten transparency and avoid the appearance that U.S. foreign policy could be moved by wealthy donors, the report said.

"If a new foreign government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to 'increase materially' its support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department's ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns," the report said.

The State Department said it had no record of the gift being reported.

Reuters explained: "Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton’s husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta’s account, was published last month by WikiLeaks."

The report said it was not the only donation that should have been reviewed, citing the $11.2 million from Algeria between 2009 and 2012.

Foundation spokesman Brian Cookstra said the Qatari donation was not really a "material increase" in support.

Oops! Hillary forgot to report $1 million donation
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published December 16, 2019 at 12:26pm

The details required to organize illegal alien voters, rig voting machines, and give Donald Trump a short count is well into the planning stage.

Unless Trump does something now he better start writing his concession speech. Neither the Federal Elections Commission nor the courts will do anything to stop Democrats from stealing another election:

EXCLUSIVE: Voters in Florida, Michigan and Colorado are threatening to sue their states after an independent organization discovered that each has counties with unusually high voter registration rates -- in some cases, they found more registered voters than actual people eligible to vote.

The data was compiled by the Honest Elections Project, a new nonprofit organization that blames the seemingly implausible statistics on a failure of states to properly update voter rolls to account for people moving, dying or being incarcerated.

Published 2 hours ago
Group threatens lawsuits over ‘suspiciously high’ voter registration rates in swing states
By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News
