Loughner posted at abovetopsecret as erad3



Is it possible for an infinite source of currency?

If a member of the treasury creates 5 new currency's then the new currency replaces the previous currency.
If the new currency replaces the previous currency then the previous currency is no longer in use.
A members of the treasury creates 5 new currency's.
Therefore, the previous currency is no longer in use.

If the treasury creates a new currency then the new currency will replace the previous currency.
The treasury creates a new currency.
Therefore, the new currency will replace the previous currency.

If the treasury creates one new currency then why couldn't they create an infinite amount?

Wouldn't be beautiful to see your face on the new coins?


Is one of your favorite toys a remote control car?

If NASA creates a mars rover that communicates from mars then the signal reaches from the distance of mars.
The signal doesn’t reach from the distance of mars.
Nonetheless, NASA creates a mars rover that doesn’t communicate from mars.

If NASA communication signals reaches mars then NASA communication signal from the mars rover.
The NASA communication signals reaches mars
Therefore, NASA communication signals from the mars rover.

If the pictures are from mars then the mars rover is on mars.
The Mars rover is not on mars.
Therefore, the pictures are not from mars.

NASA creates a remote control rover that is impossible to reach mars.
NASA fakes the situation they plan with the mars rover.
Therefore, NASA creates a remote control rover that’s impossible to reach mars and fakes the situation they plan with the mars rover.

NASA sends the the Mars Rover to mars with communication or NASA fakes the situation.
NASA didn’t send the Mars Rover to mars with communication.
Therefore, NASA fakes the situation.

If the mars rover lands on mars with communication then NASA sent the Mars Rover to mars.
The mars rover lands on mars with communication.
Therefore, NASA sent the mars rover to mars with communication.

The distance from earth and mars is about 33,926,867.1 miles.
The distance from earth and mars changes.

Think about how NASA sends the mars rover
Think about how NASA is able to communicate from that distance.

This guy is an endless source of comedy. This is kathaksung-esque.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/user/classitup10#p/a/u/1/nHoaZaLbqB4"]YouTube - Classitup10's Channel[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnNx0WThoF0"]YouTube - How To: Mind Controller[/ame]
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sounds like azzhat

lol you are not the only one

last night:

Jesus fuck.....all I know is that after reading this I'm going to start being a lot nicer to you. :)

Yeah, I totally have all of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Besides hallucinations, and delusions. And paranoia as well (I'm actually much less paranoid than the average person). Or, basically, all of the symptoms of schizophrenia.
There is literally no way I could be any less like this guy. I am not into conspiracies. I am a skeptic. This guy's posts don't make sense. Even my anti-conservative satire isn't anything like this. He never posted anything violent or angry. It was surreal and nonsensical.
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