Love him or hate him....

This should be an interesting read. If for nothing more than to see just how coherent he was at the end of his second term or what he really thought about Gorbachev etc...

"Reagan hand-wrote diary entries every day of his eight years in office from 1981 to 1989 except for when he was in the hospital after being shot on March 30, 1981, about which he wrote, "Getting shot hurts.""

:D Classic. We should all try to remember that little life lesson. :shock:
Interesting that as a poster you can't mention Israeli terrorism without being labeled and anti-semite, but Reagan denounces the 1982 Israeli attack in caustic terms: refering to it as a "holocaust"

He (Reagan) intentionally used the word "holocaust" to Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to refer to an Israeli attack on Beirut.
"I'd buy it."

I think I will check it out from the library, read it, then decide whether to buy a personal copy. Got to make use of those tax dollars I spent. :)
"Interesting that as a poster you can't mention Israeli terrorism without being labeled and anti-semite, but Reagan denounces the 1982 Israeli attack in caustic terms: refering to it as a "holocaust""

I agree. It is a double standard. The holocaust was a tragic event, no question.... but I think that card gets tossed around too much by the Israelis. Similar to race/gender/orientation cards that get tossed around too frequently. (note: I am NOT saying that everytime that is the case, just that in many situations they are used as fallbacks to defend an incorrect decision.)

"He (Reagan) intentionally used the word "holocaust" to Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to refer to an Israeli attack on Beirut."

It is references like that which make me want to read the book.
Darla... I use the God persona more for humor than anything. Occasionally I will screw up and use it to start a thread I had intended to go under Superfreak. It is the only other persona I have on the boards. :D
Darla... I use the God persona more for humor than anything. Occasionally I will screw up and use it to start a thread I had intended to go under Superfreak. It is the only other persona I have on the boards. :D

I think it's funny, I don't care how many names you have. I believe you that you only have one, but it doesn't matter. I think that trolls, when used for humor, and not to hurt someone, are great.
Cypress.... I outed myself on I assumed most people knew I was a God. :D

Excellent attempt at pretending you weren't actively trying to hide your troll identity! ;)

Dude, was, what, 3 years ago? I was a relative newbie there, and barely even remember you from that board!
Because he can't take your "one-liners" or my "bitterness". :)

Yeah he did say it was the one liners, actually he was embaressed that my oneliners were handing his ass to him on a platter :D

Or perhaps I enjoyed doing it to myself ;)
"Dude, was, what, 3 years ago? I was a relative newbie there, and barely even remember you from that board!"

Perhaps, but you a wacked out liberal who probably had his brain fried from all the drugs you hippies do. I would be shocked if you could remember what you just wrote, let alone what happened three years ago. :D