Love v. Hate

STS (service to self)
STO (Service to other)

All forms of elitism are part of this evil.
The Negative forces can demonstrate remarkably far-sighted restraint. If one group has been effectively captured and could be completely annihilated, instead, the game will be preserved with the conquerors holding their positions intact, poised to parlay their gains into even greater negative glory of "galactic conquest." This is just superior strategy, trying to include as much as can be included at once so that a comparatively larger portion of the multidimensional cosmos can be wiped out in the twinkling of an eye.

What we find, at the end, is that the STS consciousness MUST subtract Love from the equation. It is only through a lack of love that an individual is moved to suppress or control or convert another person.

Love expresses the eternal condition that, within the unqualified identity of the Absolute, ALL qualifications are allowed by largesse of Unlimited Potential.

Love is the Power of the Absolute that makes It Absolute and unqualified by permitting even the apparent antithesis of the STS hierarchy.

Reality in its fullness, by its very nature, surpasses the STS hierarchy in an ultimate sense. The STO perspective pairs Love with Infinite Potential - the endlessly proliferating properties of Creation in all its forms and varieties. The STO perspective celebrates differences in form, while acknowledging identity in consciousness.

And it is for this reason that the STS hierarchy is "bitter" toward Love: because Love allows and accepts that attention can be shared and STS craves exclusivity.

Love is that which moves out into the multiplying streams of Creative potential, all the while retaining that awareness of the dawn state of infinite possibility - non-anticipation.

Love is that which knows that no matter how many times the Logos is subdivided or multiplied, it remains intact.

Love is consciousness that knows it may be provisionally focused on chosen delimiting attributes, but it also knows that it is never diminished.

But the STS hierarchy sees this Creative Expression as a "flirtatious wanton" whoring after other "gods." It sees its job as "arresting" the indiscriminate proliferation and freedom granting bounty of Love. It wishes to "capture" the Mother, to keep her under lock-and-key, to utilize her power by appropriating her means, mimicking their actions and functions while strategically altering them and incorporating them into a restricted simulacrum suited to its own ends.

STS forces, remember, have no power of creativity; they cannot generate work of their own. They need the power of the Mother to do that. That is why they capture women with power, keep them half-alive so as to maintain a minimal continuity of creative interaction and the suitable production of form.

It is through tailored regulation of Loves' forms that STS intelligence derives the means of coercing soul-energy into converting abstract-conscious capital to specific psychic and emotional coinage. And it is through the cumulative psychic and emotional energy that the STS forces hope to obtain the energy-keys to timelocks and spatial corridors of even richer and still-virgin terrains, portions of the cosmos intact with creative life, ripe for plunder and privileged profit.

And we see that the ultimate aim of the STS hierarchy, is to MASTER creative energy. To assimilate it to the self, to deprive others of it by inducing them to believe lies about "becoming One." Because, when you believe the lie of the STS deceiver, you have given him control of your Free Will - the essence of Creativity.

The planetary entity is the focal point of a specific density of mind/body interaction. At certain cosmic moments, or "crossroads," such a planetary entity may be scheduled to polarize into a higher density. The Negative hierarchy sees this as a "ripe moment" to induce that polarization to take place negatively so that the planetary entity will participate wholly in the Negative 4th density reality - the Oneness - rather than the Positive reality of diversity and creative expansion. Negatively polarized beings require a negatively polarized planetary base from which to function, just as higher-density positive beings need positively polarized planetary bases.

The Hermetic maxim again: Economics of light energy above, and economics of control of minds and will below. They want to use humanity's own creative energy to "lock" our planet under their domination.