Loyalty Without Love

On a more interesting note. Rage Against The Machine is coming to play free in Civic Center Park for the protesters. And they plan on adding to the list, there are many bands coming. I might just go for the music and forget the camera....
On a more interesting note. Rage Against The Machine is coming to play free in Civic Center Park for the protesters. And they plan on adding to the list, there are many bands coming. I might just go for the music and forget the camera....
They are awesome.

i didn't like them when they were most popular because I was a neocon then and thought they were "liberals". Funny how things change.

Go. And bring a doobie. Screw the man!
Please choose either the doobie, OR the camera. Bringing both may facilitate inadvertant self creation of your own self-damning evidence.
The lead singer of Rage should blow his nose. He's always stuffy, sounding like a pissed of guy with a cold. Why doesn't he fix that?
The lead singer of Rage should blow his nose. He's always stuffy, sounding like a pissed of guy with a cold. Why doesn't he fix that?
He probably has a deviated septum, but is afraid to get the surgery as it may change his sound.
The audio slave guy does have a much better voice but I like this guiys lyrics better.

They're alright, but I'm not sure I buy his "angry guy" routine. Adam Sandler's much better at it than this guy.