Lucky Night

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
My friend and I had an awesome night last night. He won $2000 by placing a Vegas bet on Georges Saint-Pierre, and I won $500 on pull tabs. Then we ran into the hottest girl at our college and her friend and partied with them for a while. Freaking awesome!

Very cool. I had an awesome Friday night as well. I got so drunk I slept in the backseat of my car at my work's parking garage and then realized I lost my crackberry on Saturday morning so have to go buy a new one now. I suck.
Very cool. I had an awesome Friday night as well. I got so drunk I slept in the backseat of my car at my work's parking garage and then realized I lost my crackberry on Saturday morning so have to go buy a new one now. I suck.
Now you can post terrible stuff and blame it on whomever found your crackberry!
