Lucy Fossil Approved for US Tour


Villified User
Lucy Fossil Approved for US Tour

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A fossil tour doesn't have to mean an aging rock band's reunion concerts. The State Department gave final approval Wednesday for one of the world's most famous fossils - the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy skeleton unearthed in Ethiopia in 1974 - to tour the U.S. on exhibit for the first time.

I assume one of the stops will not be at the religionuts museum that thinks the earth is 6,000 years old ;)

Lucy Fossil Approved for US Tour

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A fossil tour doesn't have to mean an aging rock band's reunion concerts. The State Department gave final approval Wednesday for one of the world's most famous fossils - the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy skeleton unearthed in Ethiopia in 1974 - to tour the U.S. on exhibit for the first time.

I assume one of the stops will not be at the religionuts museum that thinks the earth is 6,000 years old ;)

Please list these 'religionuts' museums...I don't believe we have one in Nevada! as for the topic...I equate the 'Lucy' fossil to the Mermaid fossil that was touted several decades ago...Lucy was a monkey not a human!... like the Mermaid fossil!... Except the fraudsters added a fish bottom...:corn:
The new one in northern KY, it was discussed on here a few days ago. Has dinos and humans coexisting and proves that the entire universe is only 6,000 years old.

Not sure how we can be seeing light from stars over 6,000 light years away though.
apparently the entire universe is only 6,000 light years big.
The new one in northern KY, it was discussed on here a few days ago. Has dinos and humans coexisting and proves that the entire universe is only 6,000 years old.

Not sure how we can be seeing light from stars over 6,000 light years away though.
apparently the entire universe is only 6,000 light years big.

You know that BB is scratching his head, going "the universe is 6,000 years old already?" don't you?
Lucy Fossil Approved for US Tour

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A fossil tour doesn't have to mean an aging rock band's reunion concerts. The State Department gave final approval Wednesday for one of the world's most famous fossils - the 3.2 million-year-old Lucy skeleton unearthed in Ethiopia in 1974 - to tour the U.S. on exhibit for the first time.

I assume one of the stops will not be at the religionuts museum that thinks the earth is 6,000 years old ;)

If they do stop at the Creation Museaum, they have an easy explanation for fossil's like Lucy.

God put fossils in the earth to test our faith. To see if we would be tempted towards the dark side.

Then, there are the ones who actually try to get a little scientific. They'll claim that carbon dating doesn't work. And that Lucy can't possibly be a couple million years old.
Please list these 'religionuts' museums...I don't believe we have one in Nevada! as for the topic...I equate the 'Lucy' fossil to the Mermaid fossil that was touted several decades ago...Lucy was a monkey not a human!... like the Mermaid fossil!... Except the fraudsters added a fish bottom...:corn:

No one ever claimed Lucy was a human (homo sapien). Neither is she a monkey. She's one of our hominid primate ancestors.

No one ever claimed Lucy was a human (homo sapien). Neither is she a monkey. She's one of our hominid primate ancestors.

Your intelligence and education astounds everyone on the board...yup your assessment is correct..."Primate"(Monkey) is correct!:thup:
Some humans are monkeys, ie the chimp :D
and many cons are primitive, but not to be confused with primate.

I prefer to think of Cons as lower on the evolutionary scale. Liberals being at the top.

Cons are closer to the hunter-gather societies of the stone age, than they are to modern homo sapiens of the information age.

from my point of view, no boat to miss.
Just curious BB, do you hate everything you don't like or believe ?

I just debate the issues...two sides to every story...I am on the right ya are on the left...simple really!:pke:

addendum: To be honest though I do hate 'Code Pink' they are everything any soldier in the US fought against! Be honest Sgt...'Code Pink' went by another name in Nam...they also gave comfort to the enemy!
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I just debate the issues...two sides to every story...I am on the right ya are on the left...simple really!:pke:

addendum: To be honest though I do hate 'Code Pink' they are everything any soldier in the US fought against! Be honest Sgt...'Code Pink' went by another name in Nam...they also gave comfort to the enemy!

Oh, so every soldier in the US fought against free speech and the right to dissent?

What army did you serve in, the SS?
BB: "To be honest though I do hate 'Code Pink' they are everything any soldier in the US fought against!"

Y'all were fighting girls?

No wonder we lost. Weren't you supposed to be fighting viet cong?
Umm, BB this soldier viewed the asinine govt that sent him to a useless war in a stinking jungle to be the biggest enemy. Still do view governments that do that kind of thing the same way.

Not our conutry, but our govt.