Lyrics Challenge


Worst gambler ever
I just slapped together this song today, and there are some rhythm problems and shit like that. Its still sloppy, but I would like for the members of this board, all of whom I consider friends of mine even though I'm an ass to them quite often, to come up with ways to improve the song, add lyrics, maybe note some different changes that can be made, and then I can re-record it. I threw some video of daily life in the islands behind it to make it less repetitive and more interesting.

It uses the 1, 4, 5, and 6 chords in the key of C, so that's C, F, G and Am if there's any musicians out there that want to clown around with it.

Evince wrote some lyrics for me a while back that were pretty cool and I'm hoping that you other political hacks have some skills like she does.

Anyhow, here she is:

[ame=""]YouTube - Driving Home[/ame]