Maajid Nawaz says multiculturalism is dead (Snowflakes beware)

Never heard of this guy, and he certainly doesn't speak for Americans, or at least the state I live in. And I am not sure "multiculturalism" (I hate most of the 'ism" words, which are mostly fake human constructs anyway) was every widely or universally accepted.

You know a memory that is burned into my neurons from when I was a kid? Redneck white Americans calling my father a communist, and haranguing him to speak proper English because he spoke with a thick Russian accent. The funny thing is, my father was probably a better American than most of those rednecks, and he played his small and modest role in helping America win the cold war. But, he was never going to give up his Russian heritage, culture, language, passing away as a proud American citizen without ever giving up his Russian soul.

That is one reason I will never harangue first generation immigrants to assimilate in the way, and at the speed, which Redneck Americans think they should.
Never heard of this guy, and he certainly doesn't speak for Americans, or at least the state I live in. And I am not sure "multiculturalism" (I hate most of the 'ism" words, which are mostly fake human constructs anyway) was every widely or universally accepted.

You know a memory that is burned into my neurons from when I was a kid? Redneck white Americans calling my father a communist, and haranguing him to speak proper English because he spoke with a thick Russian accent. The funny thing is, my father was probably a better American than most of those rednecks, and he played his small and modest role in helping America win the cold war. But, he was never going to give up his Russian heritage, culture, language, passing away as a proud American citizen without ever giving up his Russian soul.

That is one reason I will never harangue first generation immigrants to assimilate in the way, and at the speed, which Redneck Americans think they should.

You rarely ever speak to the topic. He has spoken in the US and needs to be listened to more. At least Bill Maher knows who he is!

I don't know if this guy is known over there but he should be, he tells it straight without any PC crap.

Of course you know he is talking about Great Britian not the US

Never cared not believed in multiculturalism, the mixing bowel, nor the salad metaphor
This is a truly insightful article about the mindset of many South Asian Muslim men, written by a Muslim man.

I recall a conversation I once had at an Asian wedding where a young man told me, 'men are like gold and women are like silk'. I thought he was going to tell me something profound but shuddered as he explained that, 'if you drop gold in mud you can wipe off the mud, but if you drop silk in mud it's tarnished for ever.'

This encapsulates the hardline bias against women that has become part of the South Asian mindset. It demonstrates how Asian child abusers see teenage girls on our streets. Partly, they hate them because they're free. Girls should be pure and locked up away from temptation. When teenage girls are on the streets or drinking alcohol, the men see them as tarnished goods, available for sex. It gives them a licence to abuse.

This viewpoint wasn't always so prevalent. As a young man, I saw women in Afghanistan going to university in skirts. I marvelled at the Taj Mahal, built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife. And as a Muslim I knew the Prophet himself said that your mother is three times more important than your father.

But over the past few decades ultraconservatism has swept across South Asia, and the killing of unborn babies because they are female is on the rise. There are huge parties to celebrate a boy's first birthday but nothing to mark a girl's. Men can get away with anything and women have become second-class citizens.

Women of all faiths are suffering as a result. In India there have been some of the most sickening cases imaginable. In urban areas with a shortage of toilets, women are terrified of walking to communal lavatory blocks at night because so many of them are being attacked and raped.

The same sickening attitudes towards women in Pakistan and India are now held by growing numbers in British towns and cities – with white girls seen as the lowest of the low.

Many of those involved in child grooming are in loveless marriages. They've been made to marry a girl from their homeland to satisfy extended family and they work hard in low-paid jobs. They often get up in the middle of the afternoon and work through the night six days a week.

This humdrum existence causes pent-up frustrations that quickly turn into aggressive behaviour towards those with more freedom and choice.
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