Mac OSChrist

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Fight the war on Christianity. Fight the ideologues who are intent on replacing christ in our pop culture, at the OS level.

Mac OSChrist

(could someone good at art do a graphic for this please?)
Ahhh... It was a bit of a reach, but now I get it.

It is a reach. It's only marginally funny. WIth a good photoshopped mac logo it could be worth a chuckle, but I suck at that stuff, or just don't care enough. I haven't decided. Dmp would do it. I miss that homo sometimes.
No, it wouldn't be worth a chuckle because it doesn't make any goddamn sense. Any joke that you have to explain isn't a good joke.

See, Xmas is immediately recognised because we all know that the holiday is Christmas...the 'x' in Mac OSX doesn't stand for "Christ", and to my knowledge Christmas is the only word in English where X and Christ are even associated.

Therefore, as usual, you fail.
No, it wouldn't be worth a chuckle because it doesn't make any goddamn sense. Any joke that you have to explain isn't a good joke.

See, Xmas is immediately recognised because we all know that the holiday is Christmas...the 'x' in Mac OSX doesn't stand for "Christ", and to my knowledge Christmas is the only word in English where X and Christ are even associated.

Therefore, as usual, you fail.

Well, he was being too cerebral, and you're being too much of a prick. I don't know who to hate more.
Hate AssholeHate, he's a total douchebag, whereas Gonzo is only marginally a douchebag (he's also a fascist, so you might have to ask yourself why you really hate him...).
No, it wouldn't be worth a chuckle because it doesn't make any goddamn sense. Any joke that you have to explain isn't a good joke.

See, Xmas is immediately recognised because we all know that the holiday is Christmas...the 'x' in Mac OSX doesn't stand for "Christ", and to my knowledge Christmas is the only word in English where X and Christ are even associated.

Therefore, as usual, you fail.

It could stand for christ.
Get in now. If MacOSXI comes out then the joke is fucked. Unless that is someone with a good knowledge of German can do something with OSXI. But then if you don't speak German...Never mind, what about MacJebus? That's a good name for an os.
Now you're having fun Diuretic!

MacOSChristi. It's just latin at that point. Right?

I've been caught with this one before, in the Kyrie thing, something about Latinised Greek, buggered if I can remember how it bloody well goes, but then I wasn't kidnapped from a perfectly valid family and raised in captivity by a bunch of Jesuits in the woods outside Rome.

I know when I ran a Windows machine I used to nominate -

At this stage I have to ask anyone who is a committed Christian who may find the taking of the name of Christ in vain to please leave this post. Mel Gibson can kiss my arse but the rest of you I have no desire to offend.



I used to try and fix my computer with kicks to the sad grey box accompanied by yells of "Jesus Christ!" It never worked. That's when I began to lose my faith.

But you don't want to hear about that.