"Macaca" Allen Allows Attack on Marine During Campaign Stop: Poor "Macaca"


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"Macaca" Allen Allows Attack on Marine During Campaign Stop: Poor "Macaca"

The Macaca—I mean Allen Campaign has imploded once again. This is certainly not the last we will be hearing of this. Allen must have something to hide in his divorce records. Something serious to hide. Especially if he condones or even allows this kind of behavior which it appears he does to a person who is willing to stand up and ask him about them in public. This Marine makes a fine point. Why don’t we have more Democracy in America

Democracy NOW!

The following is a letter to NBC29 from Mike Stark, the man who was tackled for a comment he made at Senator Allen's campaign stop in Charlottesville on Tuesday.

My name is Mike Stark. I am a law student at the University of Virginia, a marine, and a citizen journalist. Earlier today at a public event, I was attempting to ask Senator Allen a question about his sealed divorce record and his arrest in the 1970s, both of which are in the public domain. His people assaulted me, put me in a headlock, and wrestled me to the ground. Video footage is available here, from an NBC affiliate.

I demand that Senator Allen fire the staffers who beat up a constituent attempting to use his constitutional right to petition his government. I also want to know why Senator Allen would want his staffers to assault someone asking questions about matters of public record in the heat of a political campaign. Why are his divorce records sealed? Why was he arrested in the 1970s? And why did his campaign batter me when I asked him about these questions.

George Allen defends his support of the Iraq war by saying that our troops are defending the ideals America stands for. Indeed, he says our troops are defending our very freedom. What kind of country is it when a Senator's constituent is assaulted for asking difficult and uncomfortable questions? What freedoms do we have left? Maybe we need to bring the troops home so that they can fight for freedom at George Allen's campaign events. Demanding accountability should not be an offense worthy of assault.

I will be pressing charges against George Allen and his surrogates later today. George Allen, at any time, could have stopped the fray. All he had to do was say, "This is not how my campaign is run. Take your hands off that man." He could have ignored my questions. Instead he and his thugs chose violence. I spent four years in the Marine Corps. I'll be damned if I'll let my country be taken from me by thugs that are afraid of taking responsibility for themselves.

It just isn't the America I know and love. Somebody needs to take a stand against those that would bully and intimidate their fellow citizens. That stand begins right here, right now.

W. Michael Stark

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That is funny. I hope this gets lots of notice. This guy got his ass kicked for trying to stop free speech. Good for Allen. Thow his ass out. More liberal slime. How low can libs go???? There is no depth of how low they can sink.
That is funny. I hope this gets lots of notice. This guy got his ass kicked for trying to stop free speech. Good for Allen. Thow his ass out. More liberal slime. How low can libs go???? There is no depth of how low they can sink.

My main man, I see you are out here projecting again, aren't you????
Allen has shot himself in the foot so many times in this campaign that if he wins I'll be truly amazed.
This will help Allen, but he has shot himself in the foot to many times. But not this one. This is in his favor.